How Long Has It Been?

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Oracion's POV

"You mentioned wanting to grow old? That implies there's some way to convert back, correct?" I ask while we make our way up the spiralling steps.

"Eragon's mentioned it, but refused to explain the details behind it." Clementine oversimplifies.

"Alright." I hum as I place my hand along the door, pausing as a flash of Aluca's memory hits me suddenly.

Her emotions seem distraught as she looks around between human to human, Shadows filling the Veil as a scene that depicts an unnatural disruption in the world, playing out before her very eyes that she has little influence over.

"What's wrong?" Clementine's voice brings me back.

"Nothing." I state, pushing the door open and unintentionally inhaling the blood mist. 'Rich' Is the only thing I could describe it as. A scent that would previously send me into a dazed nausea, flipping that concept on its head as I freely allow it to flow through me.

I continue walking without hesitation, the waves of mist almost beckoning me to trail along towards something in particular. Like a voice echoing through the halls, whoever it is...they want to see me.

Even through my tunnel vision gaze, I notice a blur of a wall. Stepping back a bit and noticing a mirror in particular, lined up between the usual paintings. My veins bulging through my skin, my eyes comparable to that of Eragon's and the tips of my pitch black hair beginning to dye silver. Clementine stands next to me, still not much shorter than me but as my new eyes lay on her, she can't help but shrink herself.

𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘱, 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘱, 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘱. I hear from the reflection, looking just behind me to see Aeron's shadow once again.

He leans against the wall, folding his arms behind his head with a cocky smile of glee. "As I said, easier for me." He comments whilst I look at him, squinting my eyes as I try to focus on whatever shape he's trying to maintain, whether it be my brother's, Freya's or Requis' this time. "You already know who I am, don't you? My little Oracion." He places a finger across his lips before a minor breeze catches his guise in the wind, causing him to dissipate once more.

Through the memories, I can make an educated guess, but the implications that I currently care stand out just as much as his ego.

After enough mist has entered my lungs, I can't help but feel a small click in my mind. "We never did get to talk that much after, did we?" Eragon's voice echoes through me.

"Why would we need to?" I respond.

"I thought I had experienced everything 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 world had to offer, becoming immune to surprises and sensations and yet here I am. Still able to siphon up some sort of excitement in the name of death. How is it that something can be so predictable and yet still surprising to me?" He asks.

"I don't know." I continue following the beckoning aurora.

"For you to be able to hear've done something, haven't you? But why?" He asks yet another question.

"It was easier for me." I repeat the Shadow's words, slowly beginning to understand what he means.

The mist's flowing motion stills until eventually stopping entirely as if reacting to something, "" He ponders.

"I killed Noah" I comment, noticing Clementine shift uncomfortably at it. "I find it strange because I did truly like him. But the moment he became an obstacle like that, I just found my hand already in motion. How did I feel so much at once until there was truly nothing left?"

"You kill-" He tries to speak.

But I interrupt him, "I'm going to kill Clementine next as well." I announce, not bothering to look back at her fear written expression.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now