Beyond the Boundary

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Oracion's POV

The iridescent colours flood around us, swamping our feet and materialising further to the walls and ceiling. Whilst we all remain speechless, I can't help but notice Argus' unbothered response as if he'd seen it a thousand times.

"Continue on" He advises as we all follow behind him.

"You know of them!?" Mousai quickly runs beside him.

He grumbles before responding, "Stories, not much else." He blatantly remains cryptic.

"Is there a reason I'm unable to feel the blood within you?" Eragon asks him.

"Is there a reason a shadow has no opposite?" He asks back. "If there's light for dark, life for death and right from wrong. Why is it nothing opposes a shadow?" He genuinely sounds intrigued.

But his question was left unanswered as we leave it without an attempt. "And how long was this meant to take?" Ira's impatience revealing itself.

I stop him, holding a hand out. "Enough time for me to question, when are you going to take the cure, Ira?"

He brushes it to the side, "I said I'd keep it on me, just so you don't have to go around protecting me every two seconds, alright?" He argues.

"We're in a pretty damn safe environment now-" I answer but Argus interrupts me.

"That man has no intention of taking it, I've felt just how comfortable he is in his new skin. But be weary of your thoughts within the Boundless, as it may lead us to somewhere unknown." He waits for Mousai to lead, "I've never been to this Veil, so I'm unable to imagine it. Hold it dear to you and the Boundless should respond." He advises.

"Ira, what does he mean you're comfortable in your skin?" I walk behind him.

"It doesn't mean shit, I'm here, living and breathing. What's wrong with you accepting that for how it is?" He snaps back.

"You liked it, didn't you? Controlling all those vampires and humans back there?" I ask with worry.

He turns to face me properly, getting into my face. "Yeah well maybe I did, maybe I did like feeling safe with my own power and not having to rely on someone else for once!?" He yells.

Eragon shuffles again as he attempts to speak, "Child, you have yet to master even a slither of what the blood's capable of. I fear for it swallowing you whole as it did to me once long ago."

"Then teach me." He asks Eragon with confidence.

I look down at the head, waiting for his lips to move as he releases the next response. "...No." He deadpans, clearly infuriating Ira as he attempts to lay a hand on me.

But the very image of light between us warps as if reality itself was touched instead, "You're thinking of different places..." Argus informs us.

"I can't go any further!" Mousai suddenly shouts back at us.

"We act as one here, if our goals don't align then it'll be forced to split us. Focus. Your. Thoughts." Argus walks to us both, turning his back to Mousai.

"What's it going to be, Oracion. Can you accept the new me for who I am?" Ira asks me.

I wipe away sweat that's beginning to form on my head, "Ira...can you even live like you used to? Hiding from the sun, eating the food others eat...sleeping next to Requis?"

"What are you implying? That I can't control it?"

Reality warps once again as a weight's applied to our heads as if something's trying to keep us still.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now