One's Gifted Grace

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Oracion's POV

My eyes find themselves jolting open as I throw myself to a standing position, wiping away blood from my torn skin where leftover teeth stick into me. I begin pulling them out one by one, using the light of the rising sun as my torch but quickly looking around for Ira in order to cover his exposed body.

"Looking for something?" A fluently speaking voice emanates from behind me.

I turn back, noticing nothing but a wall of shadow extending far above me. A Sene, a very very big one at that. His eyes slowly beginning to show themselves as they examine my body up and down, gradually releasing Ira from the depths of himself but only partially.

"Could you let him go?" I ask.

"The child eater? No." He responds. "I'm taking back what he stole." He answers.

"And what was that?"

"Feelings, I will not grant this man the blessing of being able to feel the euphoria of what we went through, for that is something you must sacrifice yourself." He sticks some sort of tube into Ira's back, pumping out a violet liquid from him.

"It won't kill him, will it?" I ask.

"Vampire? No. Human, yes." He answers.

"Do you know where the woman we were with is?"

"Father moved, I came along with you in order to take back from this man. You should all be here." One by one more eyes begin to emerge as they stare at me diligently.

"I'm assuming the Apparatus was your father?"

"He protected, fed, sheltered and educated. Is that not a father's description to you?" He argues.

He's right, but I don't answer. Instead looking around further for Mousai. Wherever I checked, the Sene followed, peacefully he moved behind me albeit distracting as his body makes an eerie sound similar to a gas leak with each subtle movement.

"Do you know where your Father would be now?" I ask.

"Yes." He easily answers.

"Not much of a talker when you don't need to be, huh?"

"Not very good at direction, are you." He slyly responds, pausing us both as his wall of eyes all turn to face one direction in particular.

I ignore the jab at me as he tries to help, "You telling me to go over there instead?" His eyes roll as he goes ahead of me. Sass.

"Do you have a name?" My curiosity gets the better of me as I desperately try to fill the emptiness of his gas sound with our voices.

"Argus." He simply puts.


"Oracion, I'm aware." He sounds almost disappointed.

His body suddenly stops as all his eyes invert towards me, following me as they try to make me go forward and ahead of him. Mousai's dress coming into view as she sits high upon a broken pillar of what seem to be ruins.

She wipes her face as shimmering water drops from the pillar and just beside me. "The Apparatus took a liking to us, if you ever find it again you should say your praises for bringing us here." She sniffles a little bit for some reason.

My heart hurts hearing her sad for the first time, "What for? I something wrong?"

She jumps down but doesn't face me yet, "We gods have something called a Grace, typically a power involving domination over something else. Whether it be water, nature, fire, space or even the literal embodiment of a spirit." She turns to me, one of her eyes now dull in colour whilst the over continues to spiral gold. "But there's strict rules that follow the powerful ones...I just broke that rule over my own."

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now