Lucid Fake

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Oracion's POV

"Whatcha heading out for?" Freya's groggy state asks as she notices my sudden movement off the bed.

"Heading out to the area I'm typically guarding, essentially where Indura is meant to accompany me to" I answer her while dressing myself accordingly.

"Aren't you going with Requis or someone?"

"Nah, she's probably busy doing something elsewhere. Speaking of which, you've barely spoken to Indura. I know you're only half siblings with the two, but even you make more of an effort with Requis, what's up with that?" I ponder, never able to pinpoint those two's relationship.

She sits up after rubbing her eyes a bit, putting on a more concerned look. "Who do you think stalks him when you're all gone? Besides going out with my own group to the Veil, we aren't asked of much here. So what better time than to see what the kid's up to?" She smirks, dragging her gown from the bed before beginning to neaten it out of habit.

"Maybe we shouldn't be using the words stalk, that feels like a bit much." I respond with somehow more concern than not knowing at all.

"Hunt? Track? Trail?" She tries to answer, and yet it only gets worse the more she continues talking.

Placing both my hands on her arms to pause her movement, "How about...we keep it to...look after? Yeah see, that has a semi-sane ring to it."

I lay my chin on her head, ""Know when you'll be back?" She moves her hair, causing my beard to itch a bit and force me to pull away and satisfy it.

"Uhhh, not too sure. Just don't wait up for me, cool?" I try to answer with honesty but she mumbles a bit as if dissatisfied with it. "Freya" I try getting her attention as she continues mumbling. "Freya!" I call out.

"That's me!" She responds cheerfully as if she wasn't chanting under her breath. "Come back whenever! I'll be about myself actually, I just remembered I promised Aeron to help test out some other weapons he's making, he might of even finished yours by now."

"Overnight?" I question.

"You're implying the man sleeps at all." She sighs as if feeling pity for him.

I place my hand on the door while begging to slide it open when her words resonate with me a bit, "Saying this...I never have actually seen him sleep." I comment.

"See!" She shouts in disbelief.

"I'll be seeing ya" I call with a wave as she gives me a farewell with a grin and thumbs up, weird, even for her standards.


Just as I continue making my way to the gate, I notice Akira, leaning against it as if attempting to support himself.

"You alright?" I ask, extending a hand to him and more than anything, surprising me with the acceptance of my help. Firming my grip on him and forcing myself to not pull away from his sudden icy cold grasp.

"I'm fine." He quickly answers, at first seeming as if he was avoiding eye contact with me. But I realise he's simply staring off at the Veil. "Do you think it blocks out the sun too?".

As far as I'm aware, it doesn't but nonetheless I try to entertain it a little bit, "Because you're cold?" I answer with a question.

He stares off a bit, almost as if not even hearing me and so I try to change the subject, "Why are you even here? We're defending against a breach tomorrow, get some rest, okay?"

He turns away from the outside, deciding to look me in the eyes for one of the first times. "I-was...told..." He points to the gate, sliding his finger down in the air as his train of thought passes. "Why am" He asks me.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now