Defected By Design

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Oracion's POV

The castle's almost completely silent throughout the day, guards still wander and prisoners still cry but nonetheless it's incomparable to the night. They tend to avoid this end of dungeon throughout the day because of the uncovered windows welcoming the light within my room. But this doesn't stop some in particular from coming to collect me.

"Get up." A vampire bangs along the metal door, one sent personally from the scarred one.

My body slowly lifts itself up, never a jolt or a rush. "You know the routine already, put them on." He slides the dented metal cuffs through the door for me to place on myself. Unlatching the door once he confirms they're on me and pulling me by them using a chain.

He uncovers his skin from a leather material once we leave my room. With each step, the chain clanks along the floor, bashing and banging itself across the hall as we make our way to a shower of sorts that lies within the same wing of the castle. "In" He tugs me inward.

I strip down what's left of my now shorts, walking into the makeshift shower that's nothing-less of a slow cooker. My cold skin reacting negatively to the sudden burst of scorching water that now runs down my skin. I still don't know how many people there are around me, but I do know that they make sure we never meet each other in here. The walls are thick and the halls are just open enough to where a voice can't echo.

Two weeks. That's how long I've been here. And only during these periods do they allow us to clean our skin so that their teeth can breach something fresh and clean. I flick my eyes towards the rising white steam, noticing the entire room is flushed away from that red haze that fills the castle. A scent of blood that latches onto your skin as easy as mud.

"You're finished, move." He barges down the door, throwing me the torn up shorts for me to put back on.

He reattaches the chain, beginning to pull me once more as we head back to my room. While he goes to place the leather cloth back over his skin, someone calls out to him. "That 0808?"

"It is." He simply confirms.

He comes closer but the Vampire holding me steps back a little bit, "Hand it over, Eragon's asking." The other one tries reaching for the chain but I'm practically snatched away as the one in leather steps in front of me.

"If he goes missing, I'm dead. Don't fuck this up." He deadpans before giving him my chain.

His smug face whistles while carrying me off, only looking back at me to spit in my face. "Look at you, causing problems for me already." He hisses in annoyance, pulling far more aggressively than the last.

He practically kicks a door in that leads upstairs, slowly leading to the warmth that I haven't felt in a long while. "Don't get too excited. Eragon does this with every human we have." He announces despite me never even asking.

He pulls my chain harder when I begin to straggle behind. My feet still damaged and my body far from energised as they perfectly proportion the food to where there's nothing to resist them with, but just enough to live off of.

"You're not special, you're food, everything will be fine once you get that in your head." He laughs just as he places his hand along the throne room's door. And there, his already discoloured face begins to drain of any expression as Eragon opens it for him.

"I-here's 0808 as you said." The guard practically whimpers while placing the chain in Eragon's hand.

He smiles at the guard briefly, an expression you think would make him feel more welcomed but if anything it did the opposite. "Excused." Eragon states, causing the man to scamper away back into the dungeon.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now