Constellated Virtue

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Oracion's POV

"Oracion!" Requis yells into my ear, trying to regain my attention back towards Akira and Ira.

"F-ine. I'm fine" Ira tries forcing himself up, managing to stand but having to slump himself onto Requis' shoulder.

I reach my hand out to Akira but he hesitates to take it. Following his eyes onto my own bloodied hand that trails onto my clothes. I kiss my teeth a little bit in annoyance, forcibly grabbing his hand and throwing him onto my shoulder. 'North' A spark of electricity runs up me, through my own hand.

I look down at it, noticing a cut I hadn't previously seen or even felt. 'Grabbing Akira forced my wound to be tainted by it, didn't it?' I think to myself, pressing it against my clothes to try and wipe it away, 'They left go North.' Again, sending a jolt through me as the vampire's voice fills my head.

"Oracion?" Freya's hand tries to grab mine, but I flick it away, not wanting risking the contact with her.

I smile at her, leaning down to pick up some of the enthralling metal that broke off during the fight, "I'm fine, let's keep going. We have no clue how deep this goes or how to even get out." I answer, no longer wanting to linger within this room and instead looking towards the newly lit path from where he came from.

With a few grunts, Requis manages to get Ira moving with some occasional help from Freya. As we enter the tunnel, I can't help but glue my eyes onto the two pillars. Walking between them forced a an indescribable warmth to run along my skin, one comparable to the Veil from when I exited it.

And along my back I felt a squirm from Akira, "Why are we here?" He asks randomly with weakness to his voice.

"You tell us that." I quickly answer.

His body felt off for the few seconds that I answered him in. Almost like he was trying to make himself lighter, lifting himself off of me. "And who the fuck are you?" He pushes off of me, kicking my back and throwing himself to the floor.

"Akira!?" Requis asks, attempting to kneel down to him but not wanting to let go of Ira.

"You guys are here too!?" He yells, almost forgetting his own condition.

"We're here to help, can you stand up on your own?" Freya asks.

"Sure" He answers with haste, wobblily but nonetheless able to stand on his own.

I look his body up and down, clearly still showing his own injures but almost forgetting the pain of them on him. "And who's that?" He points towards me.

My stomach sinks in response, a deep nauseating feeling as I'd hoped to never hear those types of words again. 'Who am I?' I think to myself, turning and continuing to walk as I didn't even want to hear his voice anymore.

Freya places her hand on his shoulder, "That's Oracion, what's wrong Akira?"

His eyes widen in both confusion and shock, "You." He deadpans.

"What?" I ask back.

"You're the reason we're here." He spits back with rage.

"We?" I point out.

"Me and the others!" He shouts as groans from behind me make it evident that we're not alone just yet.

I turn to face deeper into the hall, watching as shadows become people through the light. Faces recognised, and others forgotten. "How long...have you been here? How long have you all been coming here!?" Freya shouts while looking towards him, not even wanting to gaze at their torn clothes and discoloured states.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now