Forlorn Winter

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Oracion's POV

A while passes before any three of them wake up, the first being Freya and then Requis.

They don't immediately ask any questions, instead deciding on examining the place for themselves as they look at Ira's chained body. "I'm sorry. He was telling me something wasn't right and I wasn't listening at all. I was so focused on chasing Indura." Requis apologises, briefly picking up the chain we wrapped around Ira's body before placing it back down.

"Why are you here?" Freya comes closer to me, placing a hand on my chest.

My body twitches as I feel intense guilt for what I'm about to do, "Musai, you wouldn't have any problem doing it to these two...would you?"

"None at all." She answers.

Freya looks past me, staring daggers at the other woman. "And who's this?" She asks, but I don't answer. "She's endangering our lives back within the Veil, we should go back, right?" Freya continues to ask.

She's not worried about Ira, she's not worried about Indura. All she's concerned about is the Veil, 'Why?' I think to myself. 'Why is she so focused on only that?' I look at her in her eyes, trying to find what sort of sensation she must be feeling in order to move on so fast.

Mousai begins to speak over Freya, "I owe you for the necklace, so if this is what you want then I'll do it. Although there is something I need to tell you."

Freya comes from in front of me, instead insisting on approaching Mousai directly. "I-" She tries to speak but I look away as Mousai's head raises, lowering her gaze upon Freya as if to express authority over her.

"Do not." She spits with malice, supposedly freezing both Freya and Requis as a cold chill runs along my body.

I look back to see her once transparent irises flux to one of pure gold, gleaming just past the moonlight's edge in the dark. "Take them back to the Veil, please." I request.

"Oracion why are you letting her do this!?" Freya yells at me, still stuck in her one position.

Requis' mouth shivers as she attempts to speak "F-find Indura, Oracion. Keep Ira safe. That's all I ask of you, p-please."

"I promise you, I will." I answer.

Mousai walks back into the light, looking at me in my eyes for what feels like the last time. "You've seen their strength, their speed and their means of healing. But I still don't think you understand what they're capable of." She explains. "Be careful of Eragon's blood, I've not seen it myself but I've heard stories of that tyrant king's power over it."

I simply nod as a response as she begins walking, but quickly turning back to mention one more thing. "I'm sure you've seen it in some form. But the vampires have some influence over the nature and will of others, namely your humans. Be careful."

"I'm aware from Mael, thanks."

She again takes a footstep forward but retracts it to say something else, "They can't force their will upon those who are already influenced by another, something or someone stronger than themselves. Luckily for me, that's not how my Grace works." She looks between the two women, "Show me the way home." She commands them as they look towards their next pathing reluctantly.

"Oracion please..." Freya begs as her own body carries her away, slipping her hand in my own and admittingly I hold on a little.

Mousai looks at me, urging me to let go before she changes her own mind about this.

Requis breaks our hold on each other as she passes by, taking my attention away from Freya. "I don't understand your reasoning but I'll put my faith in that boy I grew up with. Bring those two back as well as yourself" She advises, resisting Mousai as best as she can but ultimately following Freya.

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