A Pirouette For The Deprived

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Oracion's POV

"So?" I ask to Ira despite staring the entirely different direction.

"So what?" He responds back with sass.

"They're both late, it's raining, and the day hasn't exactly gotten any warmer." I comment, slapping him on the back of his wet clothing to make a point.

His face ceases up from the shock, staring back at me with nothing but hate just before he raises his hand in retaliation against my smug look. "Sorry!" Requis yells from the back, forcing Ira to retract his arm as he folds it behind him.

"W-we were just waiting" He stutters, dropping the façade once she throws some warm clothing over him. "Thanks"

Freya places a backpack on herself while explaining, "We didn't mean to take that long, there were just some essentials that I wanted to bring along." She finishes.

"Essentials like what?" I ask.

She gestures for me to lean closer, in which I do. Only for her to whisper in my ear, "Spoilers". Jumping back to a little skip in front of me and towards the outside. "C'mon!" She cheers, not even waiting for us as we stare between each other with a tired sigh.

Ira unfolds his arms, looking around just as we try to catch up to her, "Why are we doing this again?"

"Xandier said some groups have been losing members, and he's scared that they've been inside these caves whether it be to get away from their jobs or an honest mistake." I explain.

"Oh yeah some from my group haven't been coming to practice" Freya informs, reminding me of her own leadership.

"Wait...three of you lead your own group, what are they supposed to do without you while we're here?" Requis looks between us as we pause, sharing the same look before shrugging.

"It shouldn't take long, right? Hours at max?" Freya suggests.

Not really knowing how to respond, I just go along with it. "Sure, hours."


"This?" Ira wants to confirm.

"Yep" Requis responds.

"You sure?" He asks again.

"Ya" She nods harder.

"Nope" He turns around, only to be grabbed by the collar and caught off guard by Freya.

"Yup!" She laughs before aggressively tugging him downward into the cave, albeit careful of her steps.

"FR-" He attempts to scream but I cover his mouth with my hand. From the little glimmer of light, I could see he wasn't impressed by it, but the very cave itself began to rumble from his slight pitch...I wasn't taking that chance.

A clicking causes us to look around, noticing sparks releasing from what I assume to be Freya. One...two...three I count until it sparks alight, showing off her glowing expression of happiness from being in the light of her torch.

She extends her hand out to me, I accept it while Ira holds my own and he tethers to Requis to ensure we don't lose each other. For each tug I make, I try to direct Freya back to the room we met Xandier in. Hugging the left, turning to the right, making any action that may feel right.

After what feels...too long, we get to an opening that looks similar to where the door was. I briefly break my hold with Freya in order to walk ahead, grabbing the torch from her and swapping places to hold Ira's hand. I walk up to where the door seemingly should be, finding nothing more than wood and stone merged into one. Pieces that look like a collapsed doorway but a wall that looks untouched.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now