Chapter 1: A usual day

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Rose's POV

It's been a few months since I became a vampire. I never really asked for it but at the same time it has its perks. Just like in all the books and movies I'm really fast, stronger than any normal person, and have this really bad desire for blood. Luckily enough though, I found my ways to sort of satiate that hunger.

Even though I am a vampire, my days go on like normal. And like any other day, I wake up, I brush my teeth, I get ready for college, and I go to all my classes, doing what I can to get some good grades. My name is Rose Filledheart. I'm 19 years old, and want what any normal girl would. Or at least what most of them do.

As I walk to school, my best friend Max Hopkins, runs to my side.

He's been my friend ever since we were kids

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He's been my friend ever since we were kids. And although our parents have always told us that we would make a great couple, we just never saw each other that way. He's like a brother to me and he's always got my back, and I always try my best to let him know that I have his too.

Rose: "Hey max. You ready for that big test today?"

He nods and smiles.

Max: "Yup. Probably more ready than you are. Please tell me that you at least looked over the practice sheet I gave you."

I chuckle, a bit embarrassed to answer his question. He lets out a sigh, and shakes his head.

Max: "As expected. You're gonna end up failing if you keep pulling all nighters watching TV, or day dreaming about Mr. Edwards."

My cheeks become a bit rosey.

Rose: "Oh shut up. It's not my fault that we have an attractive teacher."

Max: "Yeah yeah, you can drool over him when we get to class."

We make our way past the front of the campus and into the building, and go to our usual lockers to gather our books. We got lucky enough to be right beside each other this year, and as we get our things, we bicker like normal, over how "controversial" it is for me to have a crush on my teacher.

As we do, Max's ex boyfriend passes by the two of us. It catches Max's attention, making our conversation come to a halt. I watch as he stares off into the distance where Andy stands. His eyes being a mirror to his broken heart.

I remember when Max came over to my house one night. One of his eyes was black and puffy, and there was blood coming from every part of his face, as his tears washed down his cheeks. That night he told me about how Andy had ruthlessly beaten him. And what was worse is that Max thought it was his fault. He wanted to go back to the start of their relationship when things were good. When he knew that he was loved. Or at the very least, when he felt that he was loved. And that night I called the police, and he only served a few weeks in jail.

Without any hesitation I grab his hand, and his gaze turned to me.

Rose: "Screw him. You deserve a good person."

He lets out a small huff, and nods.

Max: "You're right... Let's just go to class."

As we started to walk I turned back to see Andy, staring at the two of us. His eyes showing no regret for his past transgressions.

I would look away, and do what I could to comfort Max in his time of need

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I would look away, and do what I could to comfort Max in his time of need. Andy was the past. And we never knew at that moment what the future would hold.

We make our way down the hall and into our classroom.

The comfort of the warm lights was always something that soothed me whenever I entered this room

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The comfort of the warm lights was always something that soothed me whenever I entered this room. Everyone including me and Max would pull out our books and our paper, then place our pencils on the side of all of the stuff that we put down. Max would put his hand on my shoulder to gain my attention and I would look up at him.

Max: "Sorry rose. I got a bit emotional."

I would give him a warm smile and a hug, and shake my head.

Rose: "No need to be sorry. I understand."

We would sit down in our chairs and I would wait patiently for our beloved teacher to enter the room. If little cartoon hearts could appear above my head, they would every morning as soon as he walked through that door. And every morning Max would laugh at how ridiculous I'd looked.

I would lean my chin on the palms of my hands, and stare at him. His strong booming voice would echo throughout the room, and send shivers down my spine. I just loved whenever he spoke. I could listen to his voice all day.

Mr Edwards: "Alright everyone. Let's get started."


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