Chapter 20: Strange magic

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Max's POV

After finding out the truth about Izzy, there was no way that I was just gonna leave things as they were. All this time, she had been that sweet girl that had been friends with me growing up. I had always wondered what exactly happened to her. She had just up and vanished one day, and I assumed that she had simply moved away. But to know that I could finally talk to her in person, meant everything to me.

I wasn't the best at swimming with this new tail of mine, but I swam fast. And once I had made it to where she was, I found her crying on a large clam shell, with Philip comforting her as best he could. Now that I was about to talk to her though, I was definitely nervous. I would swim over to the two of them, and as soon as Philip saw me, he would pat her on the back, and start to leave, in order to give us some space.

Philip: "I'll leave you two be. I should probably go and find Tulip. We have to prepare for the talk with the king."

Izzy would sniffle.

Izzy: "Okay."

I would nod at Philip, and he would leave. I would sit beside Izzy on the large clam, and softly place my hand on her upper back, trying to comfort her.

She would rub her eyes from the soreness of crying. It was obvious that she was trying to avoid eye contact.

Izzy: "This isn't how I wanted you to find out... I'm sorry."

Max: "It's alright.. I'm not bothered by it... Rose explained it all to me... And considering the fact that you didn't have much of a choice, I can understand..."

Izzy: "Still... I shouldn't have lied."

I would smile and her.

Max: "Now I can get to know the real you. That matters more than anything."

Her eyes would grow wide with shock, and then, she would start to whimper. A timid smile would spread across her face.

Izzy: "Y-You're... so amazing Maxy."

I would chuckle a bit while I rubbed her hair, making it into a mess.

Max: "Haha, it's been a while since I've heard you call me that."

She would sniffle and giggle grabbing my hand off of her head.

Izzy: "Hehehe, stop it."

We would both chuckle and our eyes would meet. Her small hand felt so soft and warm in mine. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel brown color, and her coily hair looked breathtaking as it would float in the water. I had never realized my feelings for her as much as I did now. I remember making sand castles with her when we were children.

I remember talking to her about all the stupid little art projects I had done at school. And when I would splash around in the water with her. The entire time, I had been falling for one of the most beautiful mermaids in the world. She had slipped away from me before, but I wouldn't let that happen again. This time we could actually spend time together. This time, we could have real experiences in the flesh together.

I would blush a bit from staring at her for to long. She would pull her hand out of mine, and have a similar reaction, with her cheeks forming a pinkness to them. She looked so adorable that it felt like my heart would burst, but I had to try and keep myself cool. I would clear my throat.

Max: "Y-Youre... Much cuter in person."

She would grab handfuls of her hair, and hide her cheeks behind it. Her cheeks became a brighter pink than before.

Izzy: "Y-You are t-too."

I would continue smiling like an absolute fool, but I couldn't help it. She simply made me feel this way. We would talk for a bit, catching up on things, and bonding over our fascination with magic.

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