Chapter 12: Findings

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Matthews POV

It had been weeks since our field trip to the beach. And since then, I had felt nothing but worry for my beloved, Rose. Things were just beginning between the two of us, and just as they were, it had to end so abruptly. Rose's family and friends were all worried sick, placing missing posters everywhere they could, and searching for her day and night, but it was no use.

I knew that it wasn't some random person who did this. She would've easily been able to escape if it were a human who attempted to kidnap her. Whoever it was though, they had to have experience. They most certainly weren't human. And I was ready to kill them for what they did

Since that day, Max and I had tirelessly been working on finding her location. We sat in a darkened corner of the school library, surrounded by book cases, reading through books of alchemy and witchcraft. Not many people came to this part of the library, so it was a perfect spot to simply research away.

Max would continue speaking an incantation, hoping for it to work. It's purpose was to use something of Rose's, that she most recently had, and the only thing we had that she had most recently touched, was her tattered bikini from our time together. The scent of it would fill the air, reminding me of how much I missed her and her sweet scent of vanilla perfume. I would do anything to have her in my arms again. And this time I wouldn't let go.

Max: Alldulema, encanta! ALLDULEMA, ENFUCKINGCANTA!

Max's eyes would droop, and he'd sigh from his continued failure.

Max: This stupid spell is broken!!

I would chuckle and give him a look of reassurance.

Matthew: It's okay.... I appreciate your help... the attempts themselves mean a lot.

Max would look up at me and frown. It was apparent that he felt disappointed in himself.

Max: I'm sorry... I should be comforting you... she's your girl after all.

Matthew: No need to compare. She's practically your sister, so we're even.

I would stand up from the floor, placing a few of the books back, at least the ones that we had already gotten through.

Max: Are you leaving?

Matthew: Yeah... I'm gonna go search again.

Max: I'll come with.

Matthew: You don't need to max. It might be best if you stay behind and work on your spell craft.

Max: No, I'm coming too.

Max would place most of the books back on the lowest shelf, and put the rest of them in his backpack. He would stand beside me, with a look of determination spread across his face. I was always towering over him, and this made me feel like and older brother to him. I'd give Max a warm smile.

Max: Like you said, she's my sister. I have to help.

---30 Minutes Later: In the forest.---

We stood within the forest, and I was preparing to transform. Max was gawking at me in anticipation, and to be honest it felt a bit uncomfortable.

Matthew: Your making this... a bit more difficult... could you maybe turn around.

Max: Oh come oooon. I just wanna see how it looks. I've never seen one before.

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