Chapter 21: A strong ruler

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Rose's POV

It wasn't to difficult for me to find where the two of them had gone. I could hear loud echos of their voices through the halls, and as I got closer, I had realized which room they were in. It was clear that they were having a lovers quarrel.

As I got closer to the room that the king and queen were in, he would eventually exist, slamming the door just as he did when leaving the dinning room.

Rose: "Your majesty, might I have a word with you?"

His gaze would turn to me, and with it came a cold expression.

King Deiphontes: "I do not wish to speak to you, land dweller."

He would turn opposite from me, and begin to swim away, but I would follow him from behind.

Rose: "Please sir. If I could just have a few minutes. I mean no harm to any of your people, and I understand that you've been through a lot as a king, but-"

He would whip back in my direction.

King Deiphontes: "You could never understand, child!"

I would jolt a bit in fear, and move backwards, putting some distance between us.

Rose: "I... Apologize. But please... At least let me speak on behalf of everyone on land. Even for a little."

He would huff with impatience, and slam the end of his trident to the ground.

King Deiphontes: "... Do not keep me waiting. Say what you must."

I would think on my next words carefully. I couldn't simply tell him the things that he had already heard before. I had to convince him in some other way. Giving him a reason to realize that we are the same, was the best thing that I could do. I would think of my father, and the time we shared together. And I would think of the loss and the hardship after his death. I remember how painful that time was for me and my mother, and I could think of no other thing, that could compare our situations.

Rose: "My father died when I was just a kid... He worked in a coal mine..."

He seemed less threatening than before. I had hoped that my words were getting through to him to some extent. But their was no way of knowing for certain just yet.

Rose: "His lungs gave way... And I felt a hole in my chest... It felt like a part of me had been missing... And it wasn't until I had met Matthew, that I was able to get to a point of peace... I understand your pain... I know how it feels to lose someone that you love... It never truly leaves, and that loss will always lay dormant within us... I'm sorry that you lost your child... But closing people off from that part of the world is not the way..."

King Deiphontes: "... You may understand what loss is, but I am a king... I am responsible for the things that happen to both my people and my family... How can I be certain to trust you, or any other person on land for that matter."

It seemed he was somewhat hesitant to trust me.

Rose: "I... I'm not sure.... Just like in any case, their will always be bad people in any group. Vampires, Werewolves, Mermaids, Humans, and Witches... Their will always be bad people, as well as good ones... But you can't let people live in fear all the time your majesty. People are going to experience hardship and losses of all kinds. It's apart of life. I understand that what you are doing, comes from a place of love. But sometimes we hurt the people we care for because of that love... Your care for them is misplaced. They need to realize thing's on their own, and with their own experiences."

King Deiphontes would stare at me adamantly, and suddenly he would raise his trident at me. He was about to strike me, and I was confused as to why. Had I truly said something so heinous and unforgiving. I would attempt to shield myself with my arms and close my eyes. But... I would feel no impact.

Out of confusion I would look up, and their, I saw Matthew, shielding me from the blow with a single arm. The sharpened tips of the Trident had pierced his skin, and his blood was now floating against the soft current of the water that surrounded us.

King Deiphontes: "So you've decided to finally join us."

Matthew would glare at the king, and pull the trident out from his arm.

Rose: "Matthew!! Oh God, are you alright!!"

I would gently take his wrist, and tear off pieces of the blue fabric that lay around my waist. I would wrap it around his wound, hoping to stop the bleeding.

Rose: I told you to stay in the dinning room you idiot!! Why can't you ever just listen to what I ask of you!!

Tears would overflow. Even if I couldn't feel them on my face, i knew they were their, and so did Matthew.

Matthew: "Like I would ever leave you on your own. You wouldn't be able to survive without me."

He would chuckle, and softly rub my head, and I would sigh and blush a bit.

Rose: "I can take care of myself too you meanie."

Matthew: "And that's why I had to step in, right?"

I would look into his eyes, and reach my hand up to his cheek. He would chuckle at me, and I could only look at him with concern for his current state.

King Deiphontes: "... I can understand why my daughter and Izzy have taken such a liking to you land dwellers."

We would both look at the king, surprised that his demeanor had changed so suddenly. But I would simply put my hands on my hips and glare at him. Id be lying if I were to say that I wasn't upset with him for hurting Matthew.

Rose: "You have a lot of nerve. I came to you so that we could talk!, not for you to stab the man I love!"

King Deiphontes: "If he hadn't stepped out, then I would never have come to the idea that you 4 are not as much a danger then I had initially thought... However... I still have my hesitations... I'm especially surprised to find out the truth on Philip... I entrusted that man with my daughter after all."

He looked as though he was pondering on something.

King Deiphontes: "But... I may be a bit foolish in not trusting the words of both my wife, as well as my daughter."

The king would sigh, and look up, as if what he was looking towards was a familiar feeling from the past. I was curious to know what inquisitive thoughts he may have been thinking at that moment. But I didn't bother to ask.

His gaze would turn to me.

King Deiphontes: 'How can I be certain of their safety... I know nothing of you land dwellers."

Rose: 'Well... In truth your majesty... You don't... All I know, is that this is something that they both want very much. And although their is danger that lurks on our lands, danger will always be everywhere... She needs to be let go at some point. Let her face the hardship, as well as the beauty, on her own."

The king would sigh again, and with a bit of thought, he would nod his head in agreement.

King Deiphontes: "Very well".


Apologies for the long wait on this chapter guys. I've been having some intense writers block recently, but hopefully it doesn't come back! I have some wonderful ideas for the future of this story ^w^.

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