Chapter 27: Blood moon

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Rose's POV

We would eventually make our way into a separate room in the house. And in this room, were all kinds of trinkets, bottles and tools, all intended for the use of magic.

 And in this room, were all kinds of trinkets, bottles and tools, all intended for the use of magic

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Id never seen a room quite like it. At the center of the room was a type of symbol on the floor. It seemed to be written with chalk, and it was easy to tell that it had just been finished by Matilda, with it's white powdery contents all over her hands. She would move any furniture to the sides of the room, in case it would get in the way, and as she did, she would speak to us.

Matilda: "Alright. Matthew, would you be a dear and place the cauldron at the center of the circle."

Matthew: "Oh... Yeah, sure.

He would do as instructed, placing it at the very center. Then Matilda would ask the both of us to sit inside the circle, while surrounding the cauldron, and we would.

Matilda: "Alright, I'll need you both to put a single strand of your hairs in the pot. It's needed for any summoning circle to start. No more than that single strand mind you."

I would look at Matthew, who seemed to be familiar with how this type of ritual worked, then I would look back at Matilda, doing as was instructed. She would then grab many different containers and viles, with with all sorts of colorful liquids, slowly filling the cauldron, and with a bit of her own magic, it would start to bubble, and a green smoke would rise from it, creating a type of sphere like shape.

Matilda: "Stay within the circle at all times."

I would nod. A person's face would start to form in the smokey sphere. It looked to be the face of an older woman, and soon enough, the details of her appearance would be crystal clear.

Matilda: "Hey mom. It's good to see you."

The elderly woman would sigh.

Matilda mother: " What do you want! I'm a bit busy at the moment!"

Matilda: "I just need a few questions answered about something.

Her mother's floating head would turn to me and Mathews direction.

Matildas Mother: "Who are they?"

Matilda: "Well, this is actually about them mom. Have you ever seen... A Moon Stone turn red?"

Her mother would turn back to her, with surprise in her eyes.

Matildas Mother: "Well well well. How very interesting. It's been so very long since I've seen a red moon stone."

Matilda would smile with excitement.

Matildas: "So you have! Please tell me what it means!"

Her mother would chuckle then look at me and Mathew again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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