Chapter 19: flowing through the motions

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Matthews POV

After Rose had left, I had found myself a spot to sit at, a bit further away from the castle and the town itself. I sat at a large cliff that would overhang, and below it was a darkness that would reach into some of the deepest waters I'd seen. I'd lived for so many years, and even I was able to see sights I'd never been able to see before.

 I'd lived for so many years, and even I was able to see sights I'd never been able to see before

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And as I gazed into the depths of this darkness; this nothingness, I felt a kin to its existence. Down below, into it's depth. Down below into it's hollowness. It was familiar. It was my state of heart, and mind. It was my being. And I couldn't allow for my heart and mind to be anything other than this. I had to drown myself in the feeling. For her sake. For my flower. I had to harden myself even further. I couldn't let her see me in a vulnerable state anymore. I couldn't let her see me like she did in the forest, before we came here to these waters.

My only objective from here on out, would be her safety. That is all that matters. And if she hates me for that, then so be it. Everything else is irrelevant. Everything.

Tulip: "Lost in thought?"

I would turn to see tulip, who was sitting beside me on the ledge. She would stare out into the deep waters, and smile.

Tulip: "I used to come here a lot when I was a kid. Me and Izzy would play pretend, or sit here on this ledge and play with toys. Things were so much simpler then..."

I would continue to stare out at the water, as I spoke.

Matthew: "Is there a reason you're here?"

She would nod.

Tulip: "Well... Yes... You seem to be bothered by something."

Matthew: "It's none of your concern."

She seemed a bit troubled to talk to me, but I preferred it that way. I wasn't here to make friends. I couldn't. If I did then I would only be risking their safety. Not only that but I am and always will be an abomination. I had to learn how to control myself before I could make any more bonds than I already had. And I couldn't do that if I thought only with emotion.

Tulip would grab a handful of sand from the ledge and feel it between her fingers, and as she did, she would continue her attempts to talk to me.

Tulip: "Rose really loves you."

I would somberly look down into the watery abyss, and nod.

Matthew: "...I know... That is a mistake in itself."

Tulip: "A mistake? Love, and feelings, are not a mistake."

Matthew: "Yes... they are. They make you stupid. And when you're stupid, you make horrible decisions for everyone around you."

She would ponder on my response, then speak.

Tulip: "I see why you obtained the shark fin."

I would turn to her in confusion, then look down towards where my legs used to be.

Matthew: "Oh... Is there relevance to it?"

Tulip: "Indeed there is... Mersharks have a powerful strength to them. Unlike any of our kind. Most become mighty warriors. And most, are stubborn."

She would chuckle to herself and I would cross my arms.

Matthew: "I'm not stubborn. I just think with my head."

Tulip: "Well mister tough guy, some things don't require you to think with your head."

She would poke at my chest and smile.

Tulip: "You need to think with what's in here every now and then."

Matthew: "Thinking that way is selfish."

She would sigh and pull her finger away.

Tulip: "So so stubborn. Don't you know that love is a selfish thing on its own. To want one person all to yourself. That simply is love."

Matthew: "Yes, it's quite a dangerous thing. Besides, I've already hurt her enough."

Tulip: "Well you hurt her more, by acting this way."

I would grunt. This conversation was getting to me. I had to step away. I didn't want to think about me and Rose having something together. Such a thought was to tempting.

But at the same time, I wanted to stay. I wanted this conversation to continue. Even if it was wrong. Even if it made me give in. Thoughts of Rose would fill my minds. The small time we had shared together at that beach was so wonderful. So happy. It was probably the happiest I'd ever been in centuries.

Tulip: "Why do you resist her?"

My heart would ache from the question.

Matthew: "I... Hurt her... I have my third form... Once the third form is obtained, and taken under your control, you gain unimaginable power... but... that power is not easily containable."

I would look down at my hands

Matthew: "...Because I have this power, I have overwhelming fits... Ones that I must learn to manage... We... had a discussion before we came here... about the experiences she endured at that castle... and I wanted so badly to kill the people that took her there, and caused her harm... I wish I could at this very moment..."

I would pause, as my hands formed fists, causing my knuckles to whiten from the pressure.

Matthew: "I wanted to know... So much so, that I gripped her wrists without thinking... I caused her pain... and I can never allow myself to hurt her again, or allow for anything worse to happen... If I do I..."

I would grit my teeth.

Matthew: "I could never forgive myself if I took her life over this."

Tulip would stare at me for a moment, then her gaze would turn back to the water.

Tulip: "Me and Philip... We weren't as lovey dovey as we are now."

I would look to her. Her expression was neutral and calm.

Tulip: "We didn't like each other very much infact... And I hurt him, in a somewhat similar way that you did...I made that same promise... That I would always do right by him from then on..."

She would look at me once more.

Tulip: "People do a lot because of emotion. What matters is owning up to what you did, and changing for the better. Especially for the ones you love.. but this shouldn't continue going on... You need to make a choice on wether or not you want something with her. And if you do, then pick her. If not then don't. Don't make her wait, if you know that you could have something special with her. Because you never know when that person could be gone. I don't know everything about vampires and werewolves, but I know that neither is truly immortal. So make the most of it while you can."

Our conversation would be cut short, and Philips voice could be heard calling for tulip.

Tulip: "I guess I have to go now. Can't keep him waiting."

She would pat my back, and quickly swim away, leaving me in thought.

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