Chapter 4: Taste

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Matthew's POV

As my eyes started to open, I found myself in a familiar place. I turned my head left and right, to come to the conclusion that I was home. All of the memories from last night started to come back to me. And I remember seeing Rose's face before passing out. Her image of complete and utter fear, stuck in my mind. I would rub my face with my hands, and sigh heavily.

I had felt completely horrible, both physically and mentally. After every transformation, my body becomes completely exhausted. I slowly sit up in my bed, flinging my legs over the edge and placing my feet on the floor. Once I had, a familiar scent came to my nose. It's Roses scent.

I hadn't even really realized it after waking up, but I was completely clothed and had bandages around my body. She had taken care of me. And as soon as I understood what had happened it brought a smile to my face.

I stood from the bed, and started to walk out from my bedroom. Not only was there Roses scent, but also the smell of cooked food. I walked past the living room and into the kitchen, to find Rose cooking at the stove.

Matthew: "Morning."

She turned to face me, and smiled

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She turned to face me, and smiled.

Rose: "O-Oh, good morning Mr. Edwards."

I had a small chuckle under my breath. I couldn't help but think how sweet she was, to go through all this trouble to take care of somebody. I shuffled over to the dining table, then sat down at one of the chairs.

Matthew: "You look hungry."

Her eyes had a glowing red color. It was quite beautiful. As they shined, her small little teeth would every now and then poke out of her mouth. She would turn to me and blush. I never knew that vampires could blush.

Rose: "S-So... You know what I am."

I nod.

Matthew: "... I've been around for a long time. And I've seen plenty of vampires."

She finishes cooking and places the small omelets she'd been making, onto a plate for me. Then she brings them over to the table, giving me utensils as well. She sits beside me, looking a bit eager to ask more questions.

Matthew: "Feel free to ask. It's clear to me that you don't have a master."

Rose: "A... Master?"

Matthew: "Yes. It's actually quite customary for vampires to have Masters. However it seems that yours has abandoned you. It's rare that it happens. But when it does, usually those vampires become so incapable of fending for themselves, that they never last very long."

Rose: "O-Oh... I see."

She looks down at the floor, and seems saddened by my words. And it's quite the opposite from what I want her to feel. It sort of reminded me of what happened a while ago, when she was down at her lowest. I remember how all of the young ones in the school were discussing her father's death. And I remember when her mother began to have relations with another man a year later.

This led to her grades dropping, as well as her, doing things that she just wouldn't normally do. Such as making her image become the most important thing to her. And becoming something that she never was in the first place. She was vulnerable and weak, which was a feeling that I was all too familiar with. I don't know why but anytime I had seen her sad, I couldn't stand it.

During those hard times for her, all I could do was tutor her. I couldn't embrace her, or make her feel loved. And throughout all of those tutor sessions, it only made me care for her more. I loved hearing her laugh, and I loved making her smile. But I couldn't. I couldn't care for her, or love her, or taste her lips, or brush her hair with my fingers. All for the sake of some ridiculous college rules. All for the sake of playing a role in the game of life.

And so I would grab her hand.

Matthew: "Feel free to feed from me."

Her eyes grew wide, and she would shake her head.

Rose: "I-I... I can't. I would never Mr. Edwards."

I would simply smile at her.

Matthew: "Please call me Matthew instead. It feels so strange when you call me by my last name."

Her cheeks became rose colored again. It made her name all the more fitting.

Rose: "M-Matthew... I-I..."

Matthew: "Since you're being so stubborn about it, how about, we make a deal."

Rose: ""

I nod, and rub my thumb over her hand.

Matthew: "And it is up to you, on if you agree to these terms. I would like you to do whatever I say. Of course there are things that will have exceptions. Such as everything ....mature... Well, maybe not everything."

Her entire face becomes red this time.

Rose: "M-Matthew, stop it."

I chuckle.

Matthew: "You are free to feed upon me so long as you do as I say. Simple as that. That way you don't have to feel bad about it, and we can both get something from it."

It took her a few minutes to think about it, but she eventually nodded her head and gave me a response.

Rose: "Okay... I will."

Matthew: "Good... Now come to me."

I would pat down on my lap, and her timidity would continue to shine through. It was so adorable. And I was having a good bit of fun with it. But I tried to be gentle about it with her.

Matthew: "I may be a monster, but I won't bite."

She was a bit hesitant but soon enough she would be sitting in my lap, and then I would be blushing a bit as well. I would lean my head a bit to the right, allowing her easy access to my neck. I'd never been bitten by a vampire, but I didn't mind that it was her that I would be bitten by.

She would allow her hunger to become her main priority now. And she would begin to breathe heavily. Her cold breath would slowly hit my neck. She would softly place her tongue on my skin, licking the area that she was preparing to taste from. And soon enough her fangs would softly sink into my skin. They had always told me that being bitten by a vampire, would feel strangely euphoric and erotic. And it wasn't a lie. I had never wanted anything more.

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