Chapter 10: Taken

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Rose's POV

I'd wake up with Matthew brushing my hair gently. As I lay on my back, my eye lids would slowly start to open, and a blurred outline of his dark hair, and softly tanned skin would come into sight.

Matthew: "Finally waking up I see."

He would say, in a gentle warm tone.

My vision would start to form back, and a smiling face would be looking down on me. It was his smiling face, and my heart couldn't help but thump again at that sight of him.

Rose: "Good morning." I would say.

He would kiss my lips, and nuzzle my nose, and would respond.

Matthew: "Good morning, my flower."

Rose: "Y-Your... Flower?"

My heart would beat again, and he would chuckle. I could tell that he was always listening for my heart to make it's little brief thumps.

Matthew: "Yes."

I was his. And it felt so wonderful. I was truly hoping that it could stay this way always. To be with him, meant that I was complete. I would place my hands on his cheeks, and pull him into a kiss, savoring the taste of his lips. And eventually he would pull away, placing a hand on my thigh, and rubbing it softly.

Matthew: "Sorry if I woke you."

He would say to me.

Rose: "It's alright. I'm glad you did. It just means we can spend more time together."

Matthew: "Any ideas on what to do today?"

I'd tilt my head and start to think to myself.

Rose: "I guess we could go get ourselves some ice cream? And then maybe go to the lake."

Field trips to this area were quite common. And because they were, a lot of the students had familiar hang out spots. The lake was one of them, and it was forested and covered with trees, so it was the perfect spot for me to swim during the day. He would give me a nod and a gentle response.

Matthew: "I'm going to shower, but I can meet you there."

I would start to blush, tracing my fingers over his muscular arms, my words reflected my emotions, as my heart was filled with pure joy.

Rose: "Sounds like a plan."

He would get out of bed and head over to the shower, and I'd sit up in bed, watching him walk away. I'd bite my lip at the sight of him. But I would quickly come to my senses, dressing into something somewhat casual but also cute. During the night when he had finally fallen asleep, I had taken it upon myself to quickly grab a few clothes from my own room, so that I could stay with him for the time being. I would make my way out of the small hotel room, bringing my umbrella with me to hide me from the sun.

 I would make my way out of the small hotel room, bringing my umbrella with me to hide me from the sun

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