Chapter 26: Full house

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Roses POV

The next day, I would wake up to Matthew gently snoring in his sleep. The sun would softly illuminate the room, leaving a warm orange tint to the walls. As he lay on his back, I would nuzzle up to his shoulder, watching him rest. He looked just as peaceful as he had when I'd patched him up that one night in his home. Without even thinking, my hand would softly caress his face. His skin felt a bit rough from the stubble that was growing on him. But even so, I would enjoy being able to do this. This peacefulness with him was nice. And after everything we had been through, his presence and his love were all I needed.

His eyes would soon start to slowly open, and once he took notice of me, he would smile, with groggy eyes, and pull me close to his chest.

Matthew: "Good morning flower."

My heart would thump, and I would press onto him.

Rose: "Good morning handsome."

His nose would nuzzle into my hair, and I would blush, as he groaned from his body slowly trying to wake itself up. He would pull me on top of him, causing me to squeak from the quick change in placement.

Matthew: "Mmm~."

We were now skin to skin, and my face was red as a result of it. Matthew on the other hand, seemed content and comfortable.

Matthew: "How did you rest?"

I would look up at him, and our eyes would meet.

Rose: "I-I, slept good. What about you?"

Matthew: "Good."

He would smile and brush my hair behind my ear.

Rose: "So... Are we... Well."

I was hesitant to even ask, but a part of me wanted to know desperately if this was something serious between us. I would look away from him, and sigh, trying to muster up the courage to ask this simple question. I didn't want him to feel so out of reach from me any longer. But right when I was about to, he would grab my chin, and slowly turn my gaze back to him.

Matthew: "I am yours. And you are mine. Understand?"

My heart would make a couple thumps before returning to it's usual silence. I was overwhelmed with joy. So much so that a few tears would slide down my face.

Rose: "I... I'm glad *sniff* hehe.

He would hug me tightly, and I would do the same, but before we could continue anything else, we would hear the creaking sound of our door opening. I would panic a bit, but Matthew would simply hold me to his chest, being sure to cover me with our blankets, from the neck down. As I turned my head to see who our visitor was, I was quite surprised to find a small girl, climbing up to the bed with a thin picture book in hand.

Matthew: "Why hello there Delilah."

A small girl with red hair and big ears would make her way over to Matthew. She would sit beside him, and seemed a bit shocked to see me there.

 She would sit beside him, and seemed a bit shocked to see me there

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