Chapter 11: The castle

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Rose's POV

🛑 Warning, this chapter will contain extremely dark themes of graphic violence, as well as description of dark imagery.🛑

I was awoken quickly, and suddenly, with a splash of some type of substance. My eyes would dart open, and the first thing I saw, was the same man that had taken me to this new area. A place that I had no familiarity with. I was in a cell room, no longer wearing any clothing. Instinctually I would attempt to cover myself, but I quickly came back to the reality of my predicament.

The shackles around my wrists were attached to the ceiling, holding my arms above my head. I could barely touch the floor with the tips of my toes. I would frantically attempt to fight the chains off of my wrists, but my strength was similar to a humans at this point. Strong, but not strong enough for these chains to break.

???: "We've been keeping you incapacitated for a good while now. Nothing you do will break it."

He would tell me this in a softer tone than before, but my anger for him was still the same.

Rose: "You can try all you want to keep me apart from him. Kill me if you think that's what's best. I would rather die then bend my knee to people who have no morality."

He would walk slowly towards me, till we were fairly close.

???: "Morality? ... In what sense do you think that our people were born to be moralists. We feed off of life. Wether or not it is animal or human. But we specifically enjoy the taste of human blood. And humans are most certainly not animals. They have thoughts of intricacy and depth unlike almost anything on this Earth. Yet that is what we crave and desire most. We desire their innocence and purity. Their fragility is what makes the hunt most exciting. It is what fully satisfies our taste buds and our hunger. There is no morality in that. And instead of being a good little pet, and feeding from humans like most of us do, you chose to befriend one. And you fell in love with a creature that is most inferior. To affiliate with the complete opposite, will only cause you pain and suffering. Or at least, what our queen considers to be imperfection."

I would glare in his direction, taking in everything he said. And it was sickening to me.

Rose: "You know nothing about me or him!"

A small chuckle would escape his lips, and he would place his arms behind his back, turning around and slowly circling around the cell as he spoke, with his current statements being as serious as the last.

???: "Rose Filledheart. A young college woman looking to achieve a career in baking. Your mother enjoyed baking herself, but never pursed that carrier so that she could be a stay at home mother, and spend time with you. She would do odd jobs while your father worked as a miner. But eventually he would pass because of the difficult environments of the mines. His lungs gave out. Leaving you and your mother in a broken emotional state. And eventually your mother would pass her grieving stages and find love again, but you... you didn't. Your best friend Max tried to be there for you, but it was never enough. And so you started to party, drink, do drugs, and almost even gave up your virginity to someone you had no love for. But that was when you realized you had to stop. So you did. You went to Matthew Edwards in a daze of emotions and fears, simply because he was the closest one there at the time, and so he started to tutor you... Then one night, you were turned into a vampire... You have no memory of this night. But simply of your changes the next day. And here we are now."

My expression turned to shock as I heard him describe everything.

Rose: "....H-How..."

He would turn to face me again.

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