Chapter 22: Ancient spells

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Roses POV

After we had convinced the king to help us with turning Izzy and Tulip human, we quickly made it back to the shore that we originally had come from. On a piece of seaweed, was written the spells that Izzy was required to chant, and she seemed a bit nervous, as did Tulip. I would put my hands on each of their shoulders, as a means to comfort them. They would both look my way.

Rose: "You guys will be fine. It might seem scary, but we will be with you, every step of the way."

They would both nod. I would turn to the three gentlemen behind us.

Rose: "It might be good to let the ladies go first. My satchel is up on land, and these two need to get changed into something suitable."

I would chuckle as the boys would all awkwardly turn around, waiting for the three of us. Izzy would start chanting her spell, and just as the water had circled around me during my transformation, the same would be done to the two girls. I would help them both up to the shore, and remove my necklace, to join them on land. They would both sit on the sand as I made my way to my satchel, placing the necklace inside.

Izzy: "I... Finally have legs..."

Izzy would smile out of pure joy, and tulip would join her in the shared feeling. They would turn to each other and hug tightly. Once they broke from their hug, they would speak to me.

Tulip: Thank you so much Rose. I can't express how grateful I am.

Tears would stream down their smiling faces.

Rose: Don't mention it girls.

I would soon start to pull towels and clothing from the satchel, and the three of us would soon be clothed. I would find a pink dress for myself, and quickly pull it on, as well as any essential undergarments.

 I would find a pink dress for myself, and quickly pull it on, as well as any essential undergarments

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I would pull out another dress for Izzy, and she looked quite beautiful in it. She would retain her appearance from when she was a mermaid, but strangely enough, tulip had physically changed.

Her hair was much darker then before, and her eyes that were once a greyish silver color, were now a bright blue

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Her hair was much darker then before, and her eyes that were once a greyish silver color, were now a bright blue. It was a similar change to the one that Philip had when he had become a merman.

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