Chapter 24: Silver part 2

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Matthews POV

As the gaping hole in my body would bleed out, I would grit my teeth in frustration. Despite the pain I wanted nothing more than to kill that woman. I would use my left hand to push myself up onto my feet, as my right hand would rest on the wound. My legs were shaking, and my body would scream in agony from even attempting to push myself like this.

Matthew: GAAAHAH!!

Philip would make it to my side, and try to help. He would grab my arm, and place it over his shoulder, but I would push him away, stumbling, and catching my footing again.

Matthew: No!! Get away from me!

Philip: Don't be an idiot, Rose it waiting for you!

Matthew: Rose and the rest of you need to leave!!

Philip: Are you really gonna kill yourself over this?

I would ignore him, and take a few steps. Those few, were enough to make me cough up large amounts of blood.

Philip: If you keep pushing, that silver is going to kill you!... Are you even thinking about Rose right now... Or is this just you trying to satisfy your own vengeful bloodlust.

Instinctually, I would turn to him, and my fist would quickly meet his jaw, sending him to the ground.


He would wipe a stream of blood from the edge of his mouth, and glare at me.

Philip: I might not know everything about you, but I do know that you're kind are impulsive and stupid.

He would stand on his feet, and brush the dirt from his clothes.

Philip: You need to understand, that taking everything on by yourself, is one of the most idiotic things you can do in this world. And you may love her, and think that what you're doing is for the best, but I can assure you that you are sorely mistaken.

Matthew: ... I'm going after her.

I would move my feet forward, and they would roughly drag against the dirt. My only goal was to kill Veronica, but with a quick step, Philip would stand in my way.

Philip: I can't let you do that... You aren't thinking clearly.

Matthew: ... I'll kill you if you continue to get in my way!

Philip: ... You aren't capable of doing so in your current state.

Suddenly, a shooting feeling would go through my entire body. I would place both of my hands on my wound grunting in pain. My legs would almost buckle, and I was loosing my ability to even stand anymore. My eyes were getting heavy, and my vision would blur. I was loosing time. If I could leave now, I would still be able to follow her scent.


My head would slowly turn to the left, to see Rose running in my direction. Tears were in hear eyes, as she noticed my wound. As she got closer her pace would slow down, and her eyes would grow wide from the visuals becoming more and more detailed of the gap in my stomach. Her hands would cover her mouth from the shock of seeing me like this.

Rose: Oh God... We... We have to go! We have to get you to Matilda!

She would attempt to help me in the same way that Philip did, but I would gently push are arm away.

Matthew: No... I... Can't let her get away.

Rose: What!? What are you even talking about, she's already gone Matthew! You need to heal!

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