Chapter 18: Atlantis

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(As an Author with Thalassophobia this is gonna be a somewhat terrifying chapter for me lol. Enjoy.)

Rose's POV

As we swam through the ocean waters, there were so many beautiful sights to see. The way that thing's naturally formed and built themselves all on their own in nature, was always something that fascinated me.

We would swim through small caverns and holes within the vastness of it all

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We would swim through small caverns and holes within the vastness of it all. I never imaged that I'd ever get to experience something so wondrous. As I admired my surroundings, Izzy would swim beside me as everyone else swam a bit ahead of us, having conversations of their own with one another.

Izzy: "So... umm... do you mind if I tell you something important."

I didn't fully understand why she wanted to tell me exactly, but I would shake my head.

Rose: "I don't mind at all."

Izzy: "Well... you see... mmm... how do I put this..."

She would hesitate and fidget with her hair as we swam.

Izzy: "I'm a sea witch, as you guys have probably found out... and... well I'm able to do a lot of things... Growing up, I never really cared to see the outside world... But people change.."

I was a bit confused as to what she was getting at.

Rose: "Why are you telling me this though? We don't even know one another. Are you asking to go on land with us?"

Izzy would sigh and look at me.

Izzy: "Yes... but there's also something else I wanted to mention... Gosh I don't really know how to say this..."

She would sigh again. And it seemed like she was having trouble with getting the words out.

Izzy: "Merfolk were once able to become human and go on land pretty much any time they pleased... but that changed after many wars in the past with land dwellers. Since then, we've sort of secluded ourselves to the waters. And since then, our kings and queens locked away all of the spells that would let you go onto land. I'm not really one for confrontation, so... I try to be cordial for the most part."

Her expression grew sad.

Izzy: "It wasn't until tulip told be about sea witch craft, that my mind sort of changed about going onto land. There's something we have here, called puppeting. We craft our own puppets from almost any material we have down here, give it some human clothes, and place a small bit of our soul into it. Then we maneuver it through land. It's a more recent technique that we've learned. But... definitely not allowed..."

My eyes would grow wide. It was all starting to make sense. This girl. She was...

Izzy: "My name is Isabella... but people call me Izzy."

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