Chapter 14: Healing pool

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Rose's POV

Vander would stare at us from his throne. He seemed irritated, and possibly even angry. But he spoke with a softness. His voice was low and hoarse. And it echoed with power and authority.

Vander: The healing pool... for this putrid creature.

It stung a bit to hear something like that. I couldn't exactly control what I was. I would look up at Matthew. His eyes were already full of fury, but he spoke just as calmly, doing what he could to keep his temper under control. Even so, the tension was heavy between the two.

Matthew: This woman, is named Rose. And she is my life mate.

Vander: ... And you have used a moon stone to prove this?

Matthew: Not yet. But I know.

Vander would chuckle a bit.

Vander: ...You know?

Matthew: Without a shadow of a doubt old man.

Vander's eyes would pierce into Matthews. There eyes wouldn't move from one anothers for a good bit, leaving me feeling a bit uncomfortable, but also worried for Matthews safety. I couldn't let anything happen to him, but I was to weak in this state. As I thought to myself, Vander's gaze would turn to me, and I would jump from how quickly his eyes whipped in my direction.

Vander: Your name.

Rose: ... I-I... I-Im Rose. Rose Filledheart.

Vander: How many people have you killed Rose.

Rose:W-Wha-, killed?... I-I would never do such a thing.

His eyes would continue to stare. He wanted to kill me. I could see the blood lust. The desire to transform and tear me into a million pieces. But it seemed like his only reason for not doing so was purely because of Matthew. Not because he though Matthew could defeat him, but simply because he thought of him as... family? I saw this in the way he looked at Matthew. He would fight his son, to strengthen him and teach him what he thought was best, but he would never kill him.

Vander: I find that hard to believe rose. But my pupil, Matthew, seems to think otherwise.

Rose: Pupil?

Vander: Yes... I wish for him to take my place as Alpha. But now... I question such a decision.

Matthew: I don't think it would matter either way. I could simply become leader through battle.

Vander would laugh to himself. But his voice would raise with anger.

Vander: You would battle me for this rodent!?

Matthews teeth would grit, and his grip on me would tighten a bit, but not enough to hurt me.


I would place my hand on his cheek, and softly stroke his fur. It would slowly calm him down, and in response he would grab my hand in his large paw. He would look down at me, and whisper softly.

Matthew: Forgive me, flower.

I would smile at him, happy to see that I was able to reassure him that it was okay. We would both look back at Vander, but this time he looked different. Not as menacing, but more so frustrated and somewhat puzzled.

Matthew: Please Vander... I never ask much from you. But please believe me when I tell you that she isn't a threat. I simply must heal her, and then she can leave. It could all be done within a few days. That and-

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