Chapter 5: Blue skys

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Rose's POV

Last night was definitely unexpected. My teacher was not only someone that I had a huge crush on, but apparently he was a werewolf. And now we had some insane deal between each other. I would do whatever he asked of me, and in return he would feed me. It was most certainly a strange situation to be in.

After I had fed from him, it didn't take me long to become full. I had only drank from him for about 10 seconds and didn't need any more than that. It was unexpected but also quite relieving. I didn't have to feed much anymore and I only ever had to feed from him. Not only that but now I was able to learn more about my kind. He had told me that he had been around for many years, hundreds even, and I was amazed to even hear this. Sure it's a commonly known thing that vampires live forever, but the same has never been known of werewolves.

He also told me that there's still a great war going on between werewolves and vampires. But after last night, considering how beneficial it would be to us, if we were to be allies with werewolves, I couldn't really understand it. It would be for the sake of our survival. Not only that but we have more enemies than just werewolves. Apparently there are monster hunters that also exist. And although there aren't as many as there used to be back in the day, they still exist, and wish to wipe out all monsters from existence.

And even though this serious conversation had taken place, there was a strange warm feeling between me and Matthew. I'd also learned from him that when you feed from another human, or werewolf; the person that you feed from feels an intimate connection with you. Supposedly this allows for vampires to come back to previous victims, leaving the victims willing to continue being a sacrifice. However, the only difference between humans and werewolves in this case, is that the vampire also feels that same connection, when it comes to feeding from a werewolf. And when it comes to tradition, this type of act is sacrilegious.

As I sat in the classroom beside Max, all of this knowledge that I had recently obtained, quickly vanished as soon as Mathew entered the room. And it reminded me of the conversation I had had with Max earlier this morning, after I had made it home safely.

This morning

After finally making it back to the dorms, my first instinct was to find Max. I had to talk with him about it, about everything I had just seen, and everything I was feeling.

I had made it to his dorm room and climbed through the window, and initially he was a little bit annoyed to be woken up so early, but as soon as I had gotten to him the floodgates had opened. I told him everything, and even he was amazed to hear it all. Then after we had settled down a bit we got into a deeper conversation about how it had made me feel. And to be completely honest, after feeding from him it had only ever made me want him more.

Are relationship was forbidden, but Max being the good friend that he always was, encouraged me to go for it.

Max: "You just have to spruce it up a bit, Rose. Show yourself off to him a little."

My face had gone a bit red.

Rose: "W-What do you mean by that?"

He sighed a bit and smiled.

Max: "You know what I mean. You have a bangin body Rose. Use it to your advantage."

~Current Day

Yes, it was an embarrassing plan. I wasn't even fully sure if it was something that would work. Matthew has always had this stoic, brooding edge to himself. I don't think I'd ever really seen him blush. At least never to the extent that I would. But nevertheless we decided to go along with this silly little plan. I was going to attempt operation attraction. As stupid as it sounds, yes that's the name we gave this plan.

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