Chapter 15: Control

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Matthews pov

This would be the last night we would have at the healing pool. But it was all that Rose needed in order to rejuvenate herself. She was back to normal physically, but since her experience at the castle, she had changed. I hadn't asked just yet, and wanted to wait till the time was right for her. And now was a better time than ever, since she was feeling a bit better, and wasn't coughing with every word.

We had been using the endless satchel that Matilda had given us, for practically everything we needed. And since this room had its own bedroom, as well as a small kitchen, I would prepare meals for myself, so that my blood was efficient enough for Rose. But she practically clung to me, no matter where I went, and refused to leave my side. I was fine with it of course, but I wanted her to feel comfortable as well.

As we sat together in the pool, she would lean against my shoulder, holding my arm fairly tightly. We were having a discussion on the books that we often read, and she told me of the many that she liked, while I told her of the millions I had read throughout my centuries of living. Her smile was sweet and gentle, as she shared her excitement with me on this hobbie we both shared. But I had to know why she changed.

Matthew: I... I'm sorry to interrupt our conversation but... I want to know what happened at the castle.

Her eyes would grow with fear, and her gaze would turn away from me. Tears would flood down her cheeks instantaneously, and I couldn't help feeling like a complete asshole for even bringing it up.

Matthew: No, please don't cry. I'm sorry for bringing it up flower. We can continue talking about books.

She would shake her head and sniffle, and as she did, I would wipe her tears from her cheeks.

Rose: N-No... I know you've sort of been curious... I just...

She would hesitate, but I didn't want to interrupt.

Rose: ... They... did a lot of bad things to me... and all I wanted was to get out of there, and be with you again...

I would place a hand on her chin, pulling her gaze towards me, and I would give her a reassuring look.

Matthew: They will never have you again. I will always be with you.

She shook her head, and her tears would continue to flood.

Rose: Y-You... you don't know that Matthew... W-What if they go for you next *hic*... what if they make me watch. If you die, then so do I *hic*...

Her voice would shake with every word. And seeing her this way, made me feel emotional as well.

Matthew: No. No I would never allow that! I made one mistake. I left you to yourself. But I will never make that mistake again. I will kill them all if I have to!

My voice was starting to shake as well, and a few tears that I had been trying to hold back, would slip away.

Rose: It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself, please.

Matthew: It was my-!...

I would bite my tongue, and try to manage my anger.

Matthew: It was R-Rose... if I had been there... if I had stopped them...

I was beginning to feel the same anger towards myself. The same hatred as the day I let my beautiful flower go astray into the darkness. But I had to know. I had to understand what they put her through.

Matthew: Please tell me what they did to you.

She would hesitate, but then she would grab my hand, and look into my eyes.

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