Chapter 8: A Lovers Quaral

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Rose's POV

After everyone changed into their swimwear, it wasn't long before a bunch of college students were roaming around on the sandy beaches, joining all of the local people, and blending into the crowds. I had changed into one of my swimsuits, and was sitting on a towel with my large umbrella over my head. I couldn't really enjoy the water unless it was night time or at the very least evening, so I would watch as everyone enjoyed their time.

It used to get to me every now and then, being the only one that couldn't really do daytime activities, but with time it didn't really bother me much anymore. In fact I quite enjoyed being able to sit on the sidelines and observe. And Max being as antisocial as he was, would always be sitting next to me.

Max: "I haven't been able to spot the hunk yet. Have you?"

He would say, as he searched with a pair of binoculars. It made me giggle, how adamant he was about helping me, but I would shake my head and smile.

Rose: "No, I haven't. I'm sure he'll be brooding against a wall at some point."

Max: "Damn right he will."

After we had been searching for a good while, a girl with pale, yet dark features all around, walked up to us. She spoke in a bit of a shy manner, but looked more tired than anything.

 She spoke in a bit of a shy manner, but looked more tired than anything

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Isabella: "Hello..."

She would sit between me and Max. He was a bit to invested in his search at the moment, while I decided to respond to the girl.

Rose: "Hello... Is there something we can help you with?"

She began to nervously fidget with her hair, and looked over at me.


As she continued to fidget, an awkward silence started to fill our vicinity. I didn't really know what to say to the girl. She seemed a bit odd and not very conversational. But it took me a couple minutes to realize why exactly she decided to come and sit with us in the first place.

Every now and then she'd give small side glances to Max. And each time her heart rate would begin to pick up a little bit. It became clear to me as to why she came over, and I smiled.

Rose: "Oh. I see."

She looked my way, and her cheeks got a bit rosy.

Isabella: "I apologize if... I'm... Not normal...."

I gave her a smile.

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