Chapter 2: Mr. Edwards

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Rose's POV

The test had finally started, and to be frank, I had no idea what I was doing. It was in that moment that I knew I should have read through Max's practice sheet. I felt kind of hopeless, until a warm hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up, to find Mr. Edwards. At first his appearance seemed kind and warm, but then his facial expression turned to worry, and he began to speak to me.

Matthew: "Goodness, you're freezing. Do you need me to get you a blanket dear."

I don't recall what he said in that moment, all I remember really is staring off into his beautiful brown eyes. I attempted to speak, which I shouldn't have done in the first place, because all that ended up coming out was a bunch of nonsensical gibberish.

Rose: "Hehehe, y-yes, *gibberish* pretty *mutter mutter* so nice."

Max, who was sitting beside me, chimed in.

Max: "Sorry boss, she's a bit delirious when she gets umm... Cold like this."

As the two of them now started to discuss my "condition" I continued to gaze up at Mr. Edwards. I couldn't really help it. Everything about him just seemed so perfect to me. And as I continued to happily be in my stupid little daze, Mr Edwards leaned down to me, our faces fairly close and placed his suit jacket around me. My heart fluttered and a few words escaped my mouth in that moment. My cheeks were rosy and my dead little heart softly beated only once.

Rose: "What a gentleman.~"

His eyes met mine, and his cheeks got a bit rosy as well. As quickly as our eyes met, we turned out gazes away from each others. I could hear his living heart, still beating. But much more quickly than normal. It usually got like this whenever we spoke a bit more intimately. And it was always me, saying the most embarrassing of things.
He spoke one last time before walking back to his desk.

Matthew: "Do your best, Rose."

Once he had gone to his desk and sat back down in his chair, I turned to max, and smiled giddily, wrapping his warm jacket around me. He just stared at me with a deadpan expression.

Max: "You're such a weirdo. You know that?"

Rose: "Mhm.~"

I would giggle, enjoying the scent of his jacket. It smelled like the sun.

Max: "Well at least you know you're weird."

After that I started to focus on my test. Even if I were to score something horrible I wanted to do my best, for Mr. Edwards.

I remember a while back when I was having a rough time in school. I'd always been known as the popular girl and because of that I kept up my appearance. And because I did, it led to a lack of studying or really even a care for school. And so I pretty much failed it all; Math, English, science, history, and even a few of my other extracurricular classes. It wasn't until Mr Edwards had been there for me and helped me pass every single one of them.

With a lot of studying and time I was able to bring those grades back up. And although I every now and then have a bit of hard time focusing, I do what I can now to be better. Ever since our little study sessions, I can't really help how I feel. He showed kindness to me at a time when I felt stupid and useless... I was so alone back then... I had mourned a loss, and felt so empty. So much happened all at once, and I didn't know what to do with myself. And thanks to him I don't feel that way anymore.

After a few hours the test is finally finished. Everyone passes their papers up to the front, and we start to learn about other subjects, in order to prepare for that next boring grueling test. Soon enough the day is done and me and Max are walking through the campus back to our dorms.

Max: "I'm surprised you gave him back his jacket. I thought you might steal it for yourself to sniff later."

I blush at his comment, and start to feel a bit pouty from it.

Rose: "H-Hey, I'm not that creepy!"

He chuckles and places his hand on my head, rubbing my hair into a mess.

Max: "I'm just kidding. Relax. Also don't forget to feed tonight. I hear that it's gonna rain pretty heavily, and you know how the rain spooks away all the animals, so make sure to get something at least. Even if it's a rabbit."

Rose: "Oh really? Well then I guess I should go now just in case."

Max is the only one that knows about me being a vampire. I'm pretty sure that if I were to ever tell my parents that they'd have heart attacks. That and Max is a warlock, so it only made sense to tell him. Even before I was a vampire I always knew about his uses of magic, so I felt safe telling him. At first he didn't really believe me, but after showing him all the new found abilities I've gotten, it didn't take him that long to think of it as a joke anymore.

Max: "Alright, see you tomorrow."

Rose: "See ya."

Now it was time to hunt.

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