Chapter 3: The Hunt

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Roses POV

I'd spent hours outside by now, and hadn't found a single meal. By the time I'd gotten to the forest, it had started pouring down rain, so it had become practically useless to even search anymore. But the sun was going to come up in a bit, and I was starving and desperate to eat.

It had already been two days since my last feeding. I most certainly couldn't risk starving for very long. If I were to do that, it would result in an uncontrollable urge to feed, and I hadn't felt that since I'd turned. I wanted to keep it that way.

Rose: "Come on! Give me something, anything!"

As the rain poured down on me I desperately searched through every nook and cranny. I didn't care if it was a rabbit or a rat or anything relating to a small rodent. As long as it was warm-blooded I could drink from it. But there was nothing under the rocks. Not even a single owl in the hole of a tree. And as the hunger started to get to me and weaken my body, I fell to my knees, and a loud churning noise erupted from my stomach.

With the hunger, my appearance changed as well. My nails grew longer and I could feel my fangs growing from the top row of my teeth. The urge was growing. But I had to keep it under control. If I didn't, then I could risk hurting somebody.

Suddenly, I heard a loud clanking sound of unknown origin. Although I was unsure of the cause, I knew the direction, and so I followed it. I had been so hungry at that point that my walking, turned to running. And as I zipped through the forest, I was easily able to make it to where the sound had been coming from. It was an old rusty car shop. One that was certainly abandoned. And now that I was closer I caught a small scent of blood.

The warm sweet delicious smell that I was craving so desperately. My eyes became red with a lust for that taste. And I began to sneak quietly towards wherever that sound had come from. I had passed many broken down rusted cars, and eventually I had found the entrance of the shop. I quietly entered through the door, making sure to not make a single sound. And as soon as I had entered, that same sweet smell had gotten so strong. But I could also hear something past the corner of an open wall. A sort of grunting and growling.

This sounded like an animal of some sort. But I was unable to really determine what it was. Possibly a wolf, or some sort of carnivorous beast. Whatever it was it didn't really matter. It was my food. And as I got closer and inched towards that edge of the wall, I peaked, and was astounded by what I had seen.

 And as I got closer and inched towards that edge of the wall, I peaked, and was astounded by what I had seen

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It was the most horrifying creature I'd ever laid my eyes on. Most certainly not a wolf, but also not the furthest thing from it. Once I had seen it I was simply frozen in fear. I stood straight up, no longer attempting to sneak, and as I did his face slowly turned to me. Terrifying yellow eyes of rage and hunger were all that looked back into mine. And it didn't take long for the beast to be on top of me, ready to tear at my flesh.

It had been a long time since I'd been afraid. Being what I am had always made me feel as if I were immortal. But nothing can be truly immortal. A tear slipped down my cheek, and I looked away from this creature, ready to perish. But as I waited for its teeth to grip at my skin and tear my body apart, nothing happened.

I was confused. What was it waiting for. I just wanted it to be done and over with already. But then I looked back at the beast, and something was happening to it. It's body began to morph in some way. Sort of becoming smaller and less like a beast. It sounded painful. I could hear bones cracking, and his flesh and body forming back into something that it once was. Steam was emanating from its body because of this odd transformation. And as it changed back I slowly began to see a familiar face. It was none other than Mathew Edwards, my beloved college teacher.

As he was changing, he began to grunt and grind his teeth from the pain of the change. And when he was finally back to normal, his breathing was heavy, and he looked so exhausted. He spoke a few words in his tiredness, looking down at me, with the lids of his eyes barely open.

Matthew: "I'm... Sorry."

It was all he could manage saying, before laying on top of me, completely incapacitated.

~A few hours later

A bit of time had passed, and before it had become bright and sunny outside, I had taken Mr. Edwards home, to his house. With a bit of help from a phone call to Max, through magical means, I was able to find where he lived. And when I took him home I made sure to bandage up his wounds. During our moment in the car shop, I had been so terrified that I hadn't even realized that the creature had arrows and slash marks all over its body. And that beast was my beloved.

I'd given him some warm clothing, and grabbed one of his shirts for myself. We had both been soaking wet from the rain. The only thing was that he had no clothes on, which led to me freaking out, both from everything that had happened, as well as seeing him completely unclothed. As he was sleeping in his bed, I leaned over him, looking at his sleeping face.

He looked so sweet and peaceful as he laid there, and it was hard to believe that such a gentle face, could possibly be something so aggressive and lethal. I brushed away the few dark brown strands that laid over his forehead, and pressed my lips against it.

He was so warm, and his scent was like the sun.

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