chapter 7: The Field Trip

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Rose's POV

A few weeks had passed since me and Matthew had spoken. I was still pretty down about it all, but there wasn't really much I could do at the moment, but cry and eat sweets. My mother had taught me how to bake and make chocolate when I was young. It had always been an enjoyable way to pass time for us. But these past few weeks, it had become my only source of relieving my stress.

I lay, curled up in my bed, sniffling and crying, as I nibbled away at my little chocolates. Max at the moment, had been playing games on his PC. Since I had been like this, he did everything he could to make me feel somewhat at ease. But the result was usually the same. Me crying like a whimpering baby. He would sigh, and turn to face me.

Max: "You know, you can't be like this forever."

Rose: "Yes I can. *Sniffle*"

Max: "And what good is that gonna do you Rose."

I sigh, as the thought of Matthew crosses my mind, and how sad he looked that day. These feelings I had, were real. And no matter what I did, or how hard I tried to pretend things were fine, they simply weren't.

Rose: "I'm sorry you have to deal with me Max... I know this seems stupid... And strange... But... I just have this feeling... Like I've known him forever... Like I've loved him forever... He told me about how vampires can get these strange feelings when they start feeding off of werewolves... And they just won't go away..."

Tears started to flow from my eyes. I didn't know how else to describe it. But Max just sighed and made his way over to me. He started to rub my back softly, and smiled at me.

Max: "I'm not dealing with you, I'm being a friend. And you never know. Maybe things will be different tomorrow. Maybe he'll look at you differently, or realize he made a mistake... And if that doesn't happen, at least you know you tried to be honest with him."

I would cry even more, and hug him tightly, and he would hold me, through the night as I cried in his arms. Max spoke a few final words to me, as I started to drift off into sleep.

Max: "Besides, we have that field trip coming up soon. We can still make the most of it."

~ The Next Morning

It was a new day, and I'd woken up with a positive attitude. I wouldn't give up on this feeling. I knew it had to mean something. Operation attraction was still going after all. And I would pull out all the stops if I needed to.

Class was about to start in about 20 minutes, and in those 20 minutes , so was our school field trip to the beach, that would last about a week or so. I was well prepared with a cute little outfit, and a bit of a risque bikini that Max recommended I wear. And a few others that I owned already. It was a bit of a cloudy day today, which it almost always was in our little town, so it was safe to walk outside without an umbrella. But since we would be at a beach of all places I brought my largest one just in case.

Rose: "Alright, I think that's everything. H-Hopefully this outfit wasn't to much."

I would try my best to be confident in myself, then I'd grab my large suitcase, strolling it along with me, out into the cloudy weather

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I would try my best to be confident in myself, then I'd grab my large suitcase, strolling it along with me, out into the cloudy weather. It didn't take me long to get to the area where all the school busses were.

There was a huge crowd of students, just as ready for this trip. And because of this I had to make my way through the large groups of people in order to find Max. I'd sort of been struggling a bit with the heels. I hadn't worn any in a good while, and was attempting to look like I'd been wearing them often, or at the very least that I was experienced enough to not trip and fall. I searched and searched, until I finally was able see Max. Happy to finally have found him, I would take in a breath of relief, and call out to him.

Rose: "Max!"

He would turn to me and smile.

Max: "Damn, you look amazing!"

I'd finally be standing in front of him, and would blush a bit from his comment.

Rose: "Heh, you think so?"

Max: "Oh for sure. He's gonna nut when he sees you."

I give him a bit of a jab in the arm.

Rose: "Oh shut up, don't be so lewd about it."

Max: "I mean as a guy, I'm just speaking the truth... And ouch."

All of the teacher's make there way over to the students, and Matthew pushes into the crowd, making his way to the front of the busses doorway. He tells everyone to enter in single file, and everyone follows through, with me and Max making it to the end.

Rose: "Oh yeah max, I hear that there's gonna be other students from different districts, so it might end up being pretty... Infested hehe."

Max: "Ugh... More people... Great."

We both chuckle and continue our banter as the line slowly inches forward. And eventually, we make it to the front of the line, with me being the last student to board the bus. Once I reach Matthew, his eyes become glued to me and he starts to look me up and down. Both of our faces become red.

Matthew: "Mrs. Filledheart... You look lovely."

Matthew: "O-Oh, um... Thank you Mr. Edwards."

We look back into each other's eyes, and he softly takes my hand, helping me into the bus. I could hear the familiar beating of his heart, as I made my way inside. I'd sit beside Max, at the middle of the bus, with a face as red as a cherry. Max would give me his usual deadpan expression.

Max: "Watching you two interact is like watching a cheesy romance movie."

Rose: "Sh-Shut up you butthole."

I'd blush and begin to pout, and he would give me a snarky response.

Max: "Just speaking facts. As usual."

The bus would start up, and our trip to the beach had begun. I was super nervous, but preparing myself mentally, for anything and everything.

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