Lieutenant Colonel

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11th of November 1918 - France

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
3 days is how long me our Platoon waited for the cavalry. 3 fucking days in the muck. They finally came on their strong horses. A soldier ranked Sargeant, mounted on the back of a fine white horse, began to joke "Sorry lads for the delay. We were playing a game of whist" a smirk plastered on his face as he let out a chuckle. Trying to earn a laugh from the rest of the cavalry. Some of them laughed along, but most of them kept quiet. Anger began to consume me and with one swift move, I grabbed my Webley Revolver and shot the laughing officer straight in his head. The air surrounding us went quiet, as everyone was shocked at my move. It was so quiet that you could hear the rain drip down into the forming puddles. Blood trickled down from the officers forehead and onto the saddle. He began to loose color in his face as it went pale. The paleness reminded me of the white snow that had fallen from the sky on December 24, 1914. All of the cavalry soldiers looked on as the Sargeant leaned forward. Before he fell down to the ground with a loud thump. My eyes looked from the body up to the rest of the Cavalry. Then, immediatly all of them grabbed their guns and pointed it me. Resulting in my fellow Platoon comrades doing the same towards them. Now we stood, guns raised level head, to our own allies. No one dared to make a move, just waiting for the first idiot to take the next shot. Without warning a strong and commanding voice cutt through the thin and quiet air "that's enough". The voice held such authority that the person speaking gained everyones attention. I had yet to see the owner of the voice, but knew all to well to who it belonged. The Platoon leader, Lieutenant Nicholas. It didn't take long before he walked through the crowd of soldiers. Getting saluted on his way over.

Long and thinner than the cavalry men

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Long and thinner than the cavalry men. Although Nicholas might be thinner, he still gave off the muscled look. Which will remind you that he doesn't break with just a ghust of wind. Sleaked blond hair with slight curls in them, matching with blue eyes. Nicholas outranks me and the rest of all the men here. Even looking at the Cavalry, Lt. Still outranks them all. Like the old sage of times past, the Lieutenant is expected to be calm, settled and unequivocally accurate, but with an energy and enthusiasm that never wanes, even in the worst of times. And with those words you described Nicholas perfectly. None of us lower ranks moved a muscle. Clearly displeasing him. Again with a strong voice Nicholas spoke "We won the war, so now we decide to point the guns to our allies?". He looked around him before giving out the order "stand down!". Immediatly every single one of us holstered our weapons. Even the Cavalry who didnt really fall under his command, did so too. He gave a quick nod before turning to take a look at the body of the deceased officer. I couldn't detect any emotion on his face. "Why did you shoot this Sargeant, Shelby?" He questioned without looking at me. I stayed silent, a bit taken back at the fact he knew it was me. LT. seemed to notice my suprised look and he pointed at my Webley Revolver "unlike the rest of your comrades. Your Revolver is missing one bullet". He now turned to face me directly, back straight and arms crossed behind his back. "Now. Tell me. Why did you shoot Him, Sergeant?" It was a simple question. You could hear it in the tone of his voice that he most likely already knew my reason. Yet he wanted to hear it from my lips. I straightened my back and answered "cowardice, Sir". LT. returned his eyes to look at the body and nodded simply while purching his lips into a slight smirk. Without saying anything else Nicholas motioned for two privates to take care of the body, after recieving one of the two dog tags that hung around his neck. Then he did something I didn't expect. Nicholas turned to me and whispered just so that I could hear "the bastard deserved it anyway. He was already pushing me to shoot him in the head". Before walking away from me, like nothing had ever happened.

Published: 14th of july 2023

Tom Hiddleston casted for Nicholas/Nicky

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