I am - He is

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I just sat there, hands clasped on my lap. I intently studying the raven, Evermore. Who sits alone and still, so still you'd think its stone. I Mouth each word, reciting most from memory. "Live for Evermore". The raven perked up. He repeats after me with a hollow tone "live for Evermore" and spreading it's wings open wide. The deep coaled coloured bird flapped its wings, crowing ever so loudly, but the wings never made a sound. Unlike outside, where the loud rain pours from the clouds- where thunder barks from the sky- where lightning strikes the ground and lights up the dead field. "Evermore!"

I snapped my eyes open, gasping for air. My disoriented mind still thinking I was sitting on the velvet cushioned chair in the childhood resemblent caravan. With the Raven named Evermore watching over me. That the depressing cobblestone walls of the prison were just an illusion. That a raven called out in the distance. That the wind almost seemed to whisper, evermore. But it was all reality, I had returned. I bolted upright from the ground, my pulse racing as I untangle myself from the rope, that was wringed around my neck. Desperate gasps and coughs for air surrounded the otherwise silent room. I heave as I pull the rope away from my neck before looking over my shoulder to seek out Reynolds. He had been in the same boat that I had been. A harsh red mark wrapped around his neck. His mouth open wide as he tried to regain his breath. I look up to the wooden platform where both Reynolds and I had been hung from. Two pair of ropes swung quickly from left to right. Looking closer at them, it was clear that someone had cutt them. Ultimately saving us both. But who? I wondered. I look around the room and cannot find the answer to my question. Untill my eyes land on two guards, Kingsguards. A quick glance in Reynolds direction, told me straight away that he had spotted them too. And if there where Kingsguards here, that means the King himself was not to far behind. This was what the entirity of the room knew. Some of the men in the room froze in fear as they waited for the King. And there is one thing I do know, waiting in fear is surely one of the most awful of human tribulation. We all look towards the open standing double doors, our heart skipping beats in anticipation. Far, far, far off, I can hear the footfalls cross the hallway. Sounding like a marching platoon. The King strides in, immediatly commanding power without uttering a single word. The coppers quickly descented down from the wooden platform upon his Majesty's arrival. One of them steps forward to speak to his Majesty the King, I recognize him as the one who pulled the lever. "I pray you pull back your guards and return to Buckingham house and leave this matter to me, your Majesty" he stated. Immediatly getting a harsh glare back from the King. "And I pray you can retire unharmed to your family, while the entirety of your corps will be punished- This I swear" it wasn't just a threat from the King, it was a promise. If the copper didn't follow his Majesty's order, he will deal out a punishment. This promise seemed to anger the copper and he rudely approached the king. Immediatly being intercepted by the King's guards, of course. I watch on as the man loudly screams insults at the guards and hit their hands away from him. I cast a glance to Nick, who seemed not to bothered at all about the man's threats, and turns to retrieves what looks like a sword from one of the horse guards that also had accompanied him. Turning around and without much hesitation, Nicholas steps forward and pushes past the guards, who step to the side to let him through. Yet remain on guard if the copper tried anything that could potentially harm Nick. The King points the ceremonial sword at the chest of the copper and motions it briefly to the ground before back to his chest "get on your knees". A low demanding order forms in the air. The man still obeyes his Majesty the King and goes down, albeit it being clearly annoued and pissed off. Nick once told me that a King can always move a man, no matter his emotion. I notice that the copper didn't go down fully on his knees, clearly displeasing his majesty the King. "Lower" Nick coldly states, motioning once again with his sword to go lower. I hear a growl feom the man as he goes down further. Nick holds a long strong dominant eye contact before stating "I am England. I am this Kingdom United. Whatever I command is obeyed". There is no real emotion to be detected. He just tells us like it is - a straight up fact without lies. Just simply that and nothing more. He is England, He is the United Kingdom. "Now withdraw or you will die here" Nick continues with a sneer. In an instance all of the guards grab their guns and point it towards the man. Who goes white as a ghost. "Do we have terms?". The man looks up in pure fear towards the king before nodding his head "yes". A subtle eyebrow gets quirked up by the King which makes the man rephrase "yes, your Majesty". "Good" the King nodds before turning on his heels to leave the room. Halting momentarily to ask one more thing to the copper "do you have a family?". "uh. No, your Majesty. They have all passed" The man replied with a stutter, I hear Nicholas hum "then you will not be missed". "Excuse me?". Nick turns to his guards before giving them an order "seize him for treason against the crown". The guards nodd and instantly seize the screaming and kicking man. Treason against the crown leads to hanging. Nicholas just made a statement out of the man, without batting an eyelash. A good reminded for everyone in the room at how ruthless a King can and needs to be sometimes. A good reminder for me aswell.

Published: 26th of April 2024

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