Damage to the King

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(Polly's P.O.V.)
"I changed the combination" I explained when Tommy tried pulling the safe door open, but it wouldn't budge. Tom let's go of the safe door and sighs deeply, folding his arms ontop of the safe. "So, what is going on, Thomas?" I asked my nephew. He had returned from London with a red mark on his neck and a cold expression on his face, but never explained the reason. "Give me the combination, Polly" he told me coldly, not wanting to talk. I ignore him. Which he doesn't take lightly and walks around the table, leaning his fist on it before glaring at me "Polly" he stated, "give me the combination". I ignore him. So he stood back up and put his hands in his trousser pockets "what happened in London, was my business". I looked at him "what business?". He sighed reluctantly but explained "I was in a situation but it's best for everyone if it remains disclosed further". I stare up at him and clasp my hands "your mother always said that it would be your cleverness that will kill you". Without hesitation he remarks "no one will get killed. Now open the fucking safe". I sigh and stand up to make my way to the safe "you know, it was a fine speech you gave in there. How women are equal in this company. But when it comes to it, you don't believe a word we say. Maybe you don't trust us" I told him, "atleast tell Nicky about it. He seems to be the only one you trust". I look at Tommy who casts his eyes to the ground "I don't trust the King" he spoke softly barely above a whisper. I was taken back for a second that he refered to Nick as the King. Yes, Tommy called him that in a public setting but otherwise it was always Nicky. "What?" I asked him suprised, "since when don't you trust Nicky?" I was convinced it was maybe a joke he was playing with me. But that was far from the truth. "Since he chose the Crown above all else". "That is his job" I argued back at him, "no! His job is to protect his people. But he didn't! Remember, Polly? He was the one who sentenced me and Reynolds to be hung on the end of a noose. So don't overly concern yourself with pity, now that he is sentenced to be forever alone".

A few weeks later in London

(Reynolds's P.O.V.)
The world's doors open at the King's command. Every man and woman in the British Empire obeys the King's whim. We would go to battle to save him. But what matter? The one thing his Majesty needs most cannot be conquered by any army. Loneliness is a battle even Kings must fight for themselves. But sadly, a King will forever remain marching in loneliness. A King is always lonely. When others are laughing with friends to show off their humour. He is sweating in silence. The King is lonely. When others are chasing women. He is bleeding on the battlefield. A King is always lonely. When the whole world is against him. He stared out into the front. A King is always lonely. When he is abandoned by all. He is still firmly marching forward, only to realise his true dreams are to afar from what he is told to be. I may was hung several weeks ago, but I knew it was never truely Nicholas intention. I could see he had no other choice and thus forgave him. I open a door and enter the cellar of Birmingham Palace. I turn my head to glance to the other side of the room where noise is heard. I move to the sound of agonizing screams coming from behind the door opposite of me. I move forward to go through the corridor. I stop infront of the closed door and listen momentarily at the screams and loud orders coming from behind it. I can't take it any longer and push it open but a man blocks my way. Refusing me to continue further. "His Majesty is undergoing therapy. You are not coming inside" he told me while the screams of King Nicholas continue to echoe through to my ears, "I am the Kings man, I will see the King" I tell him loudly, pushing against him, "you will not. You are not allowed" he stated back. "I am the Kings man! I will see the King!" I ordered loudly and barge inside. I stop in shock as I see two people pull out a soaking wet Nicholas out from freezing water. "What the bloody hell are you doing to him?" I asked loudly, "treating him" the doctor stated, sounding not emotional at all that he was harming the King again. This was not the first thing I had seen them doing to Nicholas. Other methods of this so called therapy, in addition to freezing him in an ice bath, included electric shock therapy, burning via metal coils, and hard labor. The intent was for Nick to associate homosexual feelings with pain and thus result in him being reduced of that feeling. In my opinion these method are ineffective and only cause harm, physically and mentally. Nick's back and torso had became a canvas of burn marks, bruises and scars. Mentally, he had became agitated, cold and flinched often. "Again!" The doctor ordered and the assistance dunk Nick's head back down in the water. His screams coming out of the bubbles in a terror. I rush forward and pull Nick out of the water "stop! This helps nothing!" I scream loudly, "get him out of here!" The doctor orders his men and I get pulled away. Before getting shoved roughly into the corridor. My back slams against the wall and I collapse to the ground. My face crumples as I helplessly listen to Nick's cries. I don't know how long I am waiting with my hands covered over my ears. A desperate attempt to drown out the painfull, terrifying screams. It must have been an hour, or atleast that is what it feels like. Then suddenly the door openes and out walks the doctor. Rubbing his hands clean from blood. He casted a distatefull look down at me before commenting "if you ever intervene again. I will inform the home office and they will have you fired". "Only the King can fire me" I remind him, "currently at this moment, the King is to ill to make proper desicions. So for the time being the home office has the control of this great Nation, you included, and it won't matter how loyal you are to his Majesty". Then the doctor turns to leave and his 3 assistance walk after him. I breath heavily ad I watched them. Untill I snap my head towards the room remember where they had left Nick. I scramble to my feet and rush inside. Slowing down to asses the damage done. A barely naked Nicholas laid shivering on the floor, drenched from head to chest in water and covered in scars from freeze burns. I quickly grabbed a towel and pulled him to a sitting position, before wrapping the towel around him to dry and warm him. In his tired panicked mental state he flinched and a soft word was spoken. Barely audible but I could still recognize it. His mind was trying to cling so despretaly to the person who they want to get rid off. Another shakey and scared breath came from his throat, "Tommy?" A begging cry for the blinder. But the Blinder will never come again. And I fear that, that will eventually turn Nick unstable to a point he might not be able to rule properly. The fallen King is now a slave whose only hope is to live to one day recover his throne and mind.

Published: 19th of May 2024

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