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Warning: 18+ Smut

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I walked through the decrotive double that Reynolds had opened for me. As soon as both my feet where in the room, Reynolds had closed the doors again. I turned my head to look at Nicholas. Who as usual stood by the large window, looking out to his kingdom. Then turns around to walk to an alchol cabinet, ignoring my presence. "Would you like a drink?" Nick’s velvety posh voice ended the silence between us and briefly gpanced my way. He had addressed me directly, and I could no longer protect myself by pretending I wasn’t here. I looked at him to see him holding two of the finesr crystal whiskey glasses I had ever seen. His gaze on me was a living thing, like the fire licking at the wood in the hearth. I step forward towards him "You are the King here, Your Majesty" I told him keeping my voice relaxed and even-keeled, "it should be me, who should be serving you". Nick's eyes flashed dark and lustfully at me and a grin formed on his face. "Do you wish to serve me?" He asked in a low voice, leaning closer to me, "because I do not require someone to do my bidding. What I desire is that which would give you pleasure. If this Scotch gives you pleasure, I will pour it. If there is something else you would ask of me, it is yours". I knew what he wanted. Hell, I knew what I wanted from him. But I was in unfamiliar territory, with guests a couple rooms over from the one we stood in. A scandal it will become if we do this. "Your Majesty-", "Nick" His reminder of what I was supposed to call him, cut me off, and I was actually glad for it. "Nick" I correct myself, "what do you want from me?" I asked, "Perhaps something thrilling?" I said in a whisper, using his words against himself. Putting the glasses down on the cabinet, Nick studied me with a wolfish grin. A grin that meant that someone was looking or seeming as though you want to trick or harm someone, or to have sex with them. From the look in his eyes I could see that Nick decided that the crown can most certainly wait. Nick blindly reached for the peaked lapels of my suit and simply pulles. Slotting our mouths together. Twin groans filled the large decorartive room immediatly. The kiss, unbearably fragile, a spike of sensation. Everything I previously thought, were now completely irrelevant. There are no words, only sensation, smooth sensation. Tender, like the tickling lick of a kitten. We are standing in the middle of the room, giving and getting every kiss we’ve ever gotten or given; kissing from memory - our shared memories. Kissing: fast, hard, deep, frantic, long and slow. Tasting his lips, his mouth, his tongue. I reach my hand to his face, the softness of his skin; the absence of the roughscruff and scratch of a stale shave is so unfamiliar as to seem impossible. A noise escapes me, an embarrassingly deep moan — like air rushing out of something. I feel Nick's lips curl against me into a smile. He's enjoying it. "I missed the way you taste" Nick murmered into my mouth never breaking away from my lips. It was the way he kissed, an all-in sensuous dance of tongue and lips, his mouth latching on to mine like there was no other sustenance he needed. A hot and sweet sucking on my tongue while his hands pulled us closer. Pressing us urgently together. I pulled back eventually "if you don't want to clean any mess in this fine room. You'll need to show me to your bedroom". His wolfish grin re-appeared on his face "you think I care if a mess is made?". Nick was already moving us back, guiding me toward a couch. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of that hot mouth on his, the firm pressure of Nicholas's thumbs tilting up my jaw so he could nibble and suck my neck. Something he always seemed to enjoy, and he mastered the art of it so well, that he was able to bite and suck without leaving evidence of our desire. No bite mark, no hickey. Nick stops with his attack on my neck and grasped my suit jacket and shoves it from my shoulders, down to my elbows, trapping my arms and then pulling it off completely. Then with a simple press against my chest, pushed me down onto the couch. A breath leaves my mouth as I collapse on the slightly hard couch. My eyes watch as he climb onto me, hovering over me like a predator. Then bends down to go suck on my now exposed collarbone, running the tip of his tongue at the pressure points. I lean my head back against the arm rest of the couch, panting hard. With his hand he palms the bulge of my dick that is covered by my troussers and covers my mouth with his, swallowing my moan. I taste Nick's tongue, Nick's lips. I taste him deeply and decide to take ownership of his mouth. The feeling of Nick's tremendous form yielding to me, trembling in my mouth is ecstatic and I slowly rotate my hips against him again, reveling in the feeling of his thick cock against mine through the fabric of our troussers. Nick pulls away and sits upright and begins to wriggle his shoulders trying to get his own suit jacket off. Meanwhile I start working on his belt. I pull his belt out of the hoops and toss it somewhere in the large room, before unbotting the pants. After tossing his dress shirt away, Nick stand up from the couch to take of his troussers, while I do the same. My eyes quickly glance to him. I can see the dark patch of moisture blooming on his briefs that are struggling to contain his girth. Nick reapproached me and immediatly bends down again. Nick runs his tongue along the waistband of my boxer briefs until he finds the front. I suck in my stomach out of a reaction I couldn't contain. I watch as he bites down on my waistband, pulling it outwards before raising his gaze to mine. Nicholas's eyes are dark and hungry. I let out a shuddering breath, enjoying the view in front of me. A king whk wants to pleasure a commoner. Nick let's the waistband go and I instantly suck in air between my teeth with a hiss when it snaps against my skin. "You bastard" I groan lustfully and breath out sharply with a small smile on my lips. Nick crawls up, his face close to mine "can you forgive me?" He ask with a sarcastic tone of voice. I study him for a second. There it was again, that wolfish-grin of his. "Well" I stated and grab his chin, "I guess that depends on how much of me, you can fit down your throat". Nick didn't even have to say something, his eyes already said everything. Challenge accepted. He immediatly hooked his fingers in my waistband before yanking my briefs off, before diving onto my cock. My head falls back on the couch with a soft thump. My fingers try to clutch onto the cushion for grip. A guttural moan slips out from my lips. Nick works the base with his hand and works the head with his mouth. Prepping his throat to take me fully. Nick get's half of my cock on the first dive and I grip my fingers in his scalp. Nick comes back up and licks up and down my lenght. "You can do better than that" I urge him on. A glare is shot my way but he comes down on me again. My heart jumps into my throat and my stomach does a cartwheel as Nick keeps his eyes on me. Nick is looking at me and his face is fluid, holding desire and lust, yes, but more than that--he's looking at me in the way that strips me down to my soul; with complete adoration, like he's committing me to his memory. I realize that I've stopped moving completely. My eyes roll back with a long low groan as he takes me fully. Nick slowly works his way up and down my shaft. My heart is pounding because I know I'm out of my fucking mind. I feel myself tense. I give it one more second until I was just about to blow. My breathing turns into panting and I can't take it anymore. And in that precise moment and urgent knock come from the door. Which immediatly make Nick and I both scramble away from each other like teens caught in the act. The exctasy and horny desire we both felt previously now had dissapeared complete. "Fuck" Nick curses under his breath as he basically leaps to his and mine clothing. He throws my dress shirt to me as I button my troussers. I catch it and fling the shirt over my shoulder so I cpuld continue getting my pants back on. Another knock comes from the door, the person behind was either impatient or had a real urgency to come into the room.
"Hold on!" Nick barks out to the person at the other side of the door. All the while hopping on one leg getting his troussers through his other leg, nearly falling over because he was hurrying so much. I had managed to get my clothing on but was struggling with my tie. "Jesus christ" Nick sneered I saw him having trouble with buttoning up his dress shirt. His head frantically looks back at the door, basically keeping an eye out to intervene if it did open without his order.

 His head frantically looks back at the door, basically keeping an eye out to intervene if it did open without his order

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Finally the both of us looked, somewhat presentable, like we hadn't just participated in oral sex. Nick briefly looked at me to check how I was looking. I gave a nod back, silently telling him I was good. I watched Nick regain his breath while running a hand through his hair to get it somewhat back in style. Before calling the knocking person into the room "come in". Reynolds walked inside and bowed at Nick. Coming back up he quickly glanced between the two of us suspiciouly at how far away we stood from on another. "Your grandmother is asking for you, your Majesty. She is in the Picture Gallary" Reynolds eventually spoke, ignoring the still slightly sexual tension between the two of us. Nick briefly looked at me as he scratched underneath his nose before nodding. He straightens his back and clears his throat, before walking forward out of the room with the stride and confidence of a true King. Instead of going right towards the ballroom, Nick turns left. My guess was that that was the direction the picture gallary was in Buckingham Palace. After Nick left, Reynolds had adviced me to go back to the ballroom and tell the first person I saw where Nick was, to not seem suspicious. Upon my arrival beside my aunt and the minister of import and export. The man greets me and immediatly asked for the Kings whereabouts. "He went to meet his grandmother in the Picture Gallary" I told him simply as I put my hands in the pockets of my troussers. The minister nods and agrees that the gallary is one of the finest rooms in the Palace. Meanwhile Polly glares at me, one that could put you in the grave. And if we weren't surrounded by this type of crowd, she would've definetly sent me to my grave. Of course it wasn't a suprise that she knew more than everyone else.

Published: 21st of March 2024

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