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(Danny Whizzbang's P.O.V)
I stir awake when I hear the door being open. Groggily I stare at the strangers who appeared in my bedroom. "Who are you?" One of them questioned, clearly annoyed at my presence here. "What is your purpose here?" He continued. I look between all of them and now notice how smartly dressed they are. The Blinders wore expensive suits but these men wore even more expensive. "Rise from that bed at once!" The same man ordered me. "Who are you?" I questioned him. But he never answered my questioned, instead he told me something I never would of thought of hearing. "These lodgings and their contents are property of the Prince of Wales. Soon to be crowned as the King of the United Kingdom". My eyes widen as the stranger continued. "You are trespassing and I order you to vacate at once". I quickly made my getaway so I wouldn't get arrested. Now I had to find a way to get to Tommy to inform him about what I just found out about Nicholas.

Meanwhile in Small Heath

(Nick's P.O.V.)
My eyes flutter open because of the light shining through the curtains. I look around the unfamiliar room. No one else is in here, but I can tell that the bed I was in had been occupied by another person who is now gone. As I continue to get more awake. I realise where I am. I'm in the Shelby house, specifically Thomas Shelby's room. Then the memories of last night come flooding back in. From my father's passing, to the conversation with Thomas that eventually led to me sharing his bed last night. I turn myself around to get out of Tommy's bed. I place my feet on the ground and stay seated as I rub my eyes. Before deciding to stand up to get dressed. I grab my dress shirt, which is now crinkled and creased, before putting it on.

 I grab my dress shirt, which is now crinkled and creased, before putting it on

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I turn around to leave the bedroom to head downstairs. I hear chattering amongst the family when I go down the stairs. It falls silent when I come into the room but soon continues after Polly invites me to the table for some breakfast.  I thank her and walk to the table, but halt for a second upon seeing a picture of my dad hanging on the wall. It is common in English households to have a picture of the King on their walls. I wonder how many people would hung my picture in on their walls once I am crowned. I scowl inwardly at the selfish thought. Polly gives me a cup of tea and I lean back. Tommy, who sits across from me watched me. A smugg smirk tugging on his lip but he hides it by drinking his tea. Beside me Arthur reads the newspaper, before gasping in shock and laying the paper down so the others could read it as well. "Holy jesus" Polly gasps and signs the cross against her chest. Arthur turnd the paper so I could read aswell. In big bold letters it reads


Well news does travel fast through this country. Unlike the rest of the family, I don't react. After all, I was beside the King's bed when he passed. The family soon begins to converse about what the new King will be like. Unbeknownst to them that the very person they are speaking of, is sitting at the same table, as if he is part of the family. John even mentioned my brother Edward before being told that he had been killed months prior. I gulp harshly, getting my emotion under control. Then suddenly Lovelock and Scudboat come barging in. The two look around the room before connecting eyes with me. "LT" Lovelock began frantically, "you should go. There are coppers looking for you". The whole family turned towards me, curious and worried looks are crossing there faces. I lift my head up "for what?" I questioned them. "We don't know" Scudboat admits and shruggs his shoulder unknowingly. "But it must be something serious" Lovelock adds, "because that Inspector is restraining people and questioning about your whereabouts". I lifted my head up at this. Then they explained how many police officers, Campbell had brought with him. Instantly I knew that Campbell was going to make lives hard for the people. And I was not going to tolerate that. Even when the brothers try to keep me away from the Garrison, it was no use. I quickly remind them that they do not have any authority against me. Before taking my leave to find Campbell.

(Chester's P.O.V.)
The police car stops infront of the Garrison. Before me and other officers step out. The men take up their position in the street wielding batons and wait as I step forward. I spit on the ground and glance back to Sergeant Moss before the two of is walk into the Garrison. Moss examines the punters, taking them over one by one as I approach the bar. I slam my pistol down on the counter, before scraping it all the way along the bartop to the end. "I'm looking for Lieutenant Windsor" I state looking around the pub. None of the men react. The barman, Harry, shakes his head "never heard of him". I know he is lying. All of these men know off Nicholas, allthough not as the Prince of Wales. But they respect him to much to give up his whereabouts. "You'll never find him" I heard a young boy tell me. I turn around to face him. I seath with anger as I approach him. I know that this boy was the youngest family of the Shelby clan. "Go home" I order him and he steps back. I turn around and pick up my gun again. "Perhaps I should ask the question again. On your knees". Moss forces Harry down and I walk forward to point the gun to his head. "Now, understand this, barman" I sneer, "I don't care if you live or die". "I don't know!" Harry yells scared as I push the snub of the gun further into his forehead. "Tell me. Where is Nicholas!" I screamed at him, demaning him to tell me. Then suddenly I see Harry relax almost instantly as he looked at something behind me. "I would advice you to let him go, Sergeant Moss" A voice orders from behind me. I laugh and lower my pistol before turning around to face Nicholas. He stands confidently with his hands in his pockets as he watched me unbothered. Moss does what Nicholas told him and Harry scrambles to his feet and goes behind the bar. Nick glances quickly to Harry to make sure he wasn't injured before returning his attention to us. "Little birdie told me you where looking for me" he stated simply, "for what if I may ask". "You know the reason, Lieutenant" I told him. The corner of his lips twitched into a smirk as I refered to him as Lieutenant instead of royal highness. Knowing all to well that the palace had ordered me to not address him as a royal due to safety reasons. "As a matter of fact, I do not know, Inspector. So why not enlighten me". Nicholas was playing with me. Putting me into a position where I needed to be carefull what I say. Because of all these people around us. "The chief constable of Birmingham has issued a warrant for your arrest" I blurt out, immediatly regretting this statement. He chuckled darkly, which brings a shiver to my core. "For what?" He prods further with a sly smirk. And I realize now that I have a shovel in my hand and he is pushing me to start digging my own grave so to speak. I fell right into his trap and I probably will regret it later. "Sedition and conspiracy to steal weapons to use against the crown". Nicholas nods simply before saying "go ahead then. Arrest me". I hesitate for a moment, but because I had ran my mouth around a room full of men, I had no other option. I motion for Moss to start the arrest. Moss handcuffs Nicholas and drags him out. As I follow the two I curse myself out. Winston Churchill is not going to enjoy it when he hears that I fakely arrested The Prince of Wales.

Published: 24th of December 2023

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