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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I looked at the letter with the elegant and decorative penmanship. I recognized to who this calligraphic handwriting belonged to almost immediatly. Of course it was Nicky's handwriting. But there was something interedting about the letter. Nicholas had not sent this letter with the Royal Cypher, he did it discreetly with a blank and almost ripped piece of paper. This told me he wanted to hide something from the constantly watching eyes of the home office. Nicholas was always clever enough to find ways to mislead and outsmart people. In the war he often told us to retreat and leave handgrenades hooked on tripwires. As part of a joke he told us to leave wirecutters. Once the enemy thought we gave up ground to them we just simply waited for the grenades to go off. Once back home he often would leave misleading breadcrumbs leading to different places than he actually would be at. And now as the King, he continued his little game. This time with sending letters to me in secret. No trace could be found that lead someone to belief it was from him. Even if they had a feeling that the letter came from him, I had no doubt that he would easily talk himself out of it. He always has a fine way with words. I shifted in my chair before I began to read the letter, a smirk appearing on my face the further I read. Nicky came to the point immediatly. No greeting, no talking nonsense, just straight to business.


Inspector Campbell knows the whereabouts of the stolen machineguns. He will put out the order to go retrieve them tomorrow morning.

If you are smart, you would leave them there. But I know you and that ambition of yours to overrule Billy Kimber.

My advice? Take one - leave the rest

That advice was something I took greatly. So I went out to retrieve one of the guns, for safe keeping. And the next day when me and Finn went to the grave it was indeed dugg up. And none of the other guns where there. Nicholas was right.

(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
"I told the Prime Minister personally that the guns had been retrieved and he actually heard me and listened and I'm pretty sure he gave me a half smile" Winston Churchill admitted, "he never smiles unless a political opponent dies" I told him simply. I leaned back into my chair and continued to listen. "But we only found 4 out of the 5 stolen weapons". I nodded "I much rather liked to hear that you found all of them, but I guess that 4 out of 5 is better than none at all" I answered. "You should put that Inspector's name forward onto the New Year's Honors List. He deserves it for his good work for the crown" I said, easily lying through my teeth. I couldn't careless what happens to Chester Campbell. But I had to show my concerns for the crown safety and my gratitude to those who are loyal servants to it. "I will pass it along to him, Your Majesty" Churchill said as he followed my move to stand up. I bowed slightly and he returned it with a bigger one. Telling him, I was done with this conversation. Reynolds guided Winston Churchill out of my office and closed the door behind him. I turned on my heel to make my way to the window. As I was looking out onto the street, like I often do, a sly smirk appeared on my lips. Chuckling mentally at the fact that Tommy took my advice of taking one from the case and leaving the rest to be found. Now it was just waiting for the time the newspapers are going to write about the death of Billy Kimber.

A few days later

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Together with my brothers I walk in through the bettingshop. Polly and Esmee come through the house. "Right, I brought you all here today. Cause this is the day that we replace Billy Kimber. This is the day that we become respectable" I began with the meeting, "the day we join the official national association of race course bookmakers. But first we do the dirty work. Now we all have known this day would come, I just haven't told anyone the date". I turn around to face the blackboard, littered with different bets for different horses and races. "We are going to Worchester. The track opens at 1, we arrive at 2. Kimber thinks we are going there to fight the Lee Brothers". I turn to my brother John and his wife Esmee. "But thanks to the efforts of our John and his lovely new wife Esmee. The Lee's are now our kin". "So it will be us and the Lee brothers, against Kimber's boys. We take them out and then leave the bookies. I expect a swift victory that will send a signal to London, that we believe to let legitamet business run peacefully". "And, uh, what about Kimber himself?" John question scratching behind his ear. "I'll deal with Kimber" I told him and turned back to the group, "any questions?". Everybody shook their heads indicating no more questions. I went to my office for a breather. I sat down on my chair and rubbed my temple. I hope this all goes to plan.

Published: 18th of January 2024

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