First impression

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(Tommy's P.OV.)
Reynolds stepped infront of us and bowed his neck at Nicholas "your Majesty". Before taking a step to the side and introduced a woman, "Ms May Carleton. Proprietor of the Carleton stud". The now introduced woman steps forward and extends a hand. "Don't initiate a handshake" I heard Reynolds whisper from beside me, dissaproaving of the way May approached the King. Although Nicholas didn't seem all to bothered about a handshake being initiated by someone else. I watched as the two shook hands, before May also turned towards me to do the same. Before she turned her attention back to the King. "You beat us to it, your Majesty" Ms Carelton spoke. Beside me Reynolds hisses softly, clearly not enjoying how she spoke in an accusing manner towards Nicholas. "did I?" The King asked calmly and poised. By his bodylanguage I could tell he didn't want to have this conversation, but he agreed to it out of sheer politeness. And by looking at Reynolds, he noticed this aswell. But I found it interesting that the King's man didn't try and stop the conversation. I wondered that if Nicky truely wanted this meeting to end, that him and Reynolds had some sort of signal, that only they knew. "I was trying to nab a filly for my stud" May continued sounding dissapointed. Nicholas watched her for a second, before answering "my apologies, Ms Carleton". I watched as Nicky put his hands in his pockets, beside me Reynolds perked up and stepped forward. "Sir, I am terribly sorry to have to interupt your conversation with, Ms Carleton". I smirk inwardly, without saying a word, Nick had informed Reynolds he wanted to leave. Just by simply putting his hands in the pockets of his troussers. "But I do have to remind you, that you have a meeting with the prime minister" Reynolds finished. Nicholas nodded and turned back to May. "It was nice meeting you, Ms Carleton. But I am afraid I have to go" he told her and tipped his cap at her. Turning to me he did the same "Mr Shelby". "oh, may I just say one thing before you go" May interupted Nicky's departure, "if you ever decide to put that filly out, I would be interested in having here". "We plan on racing her" Nicholas told her about our plan for the mare, "we?" May asked confused. "Mr Shelby co-owns the filly alongside myself" Nicholas informed, to which she immediatly turned her attention to me, "although I have my own trainers who I persinally want to use. Mr Shelby might be able to persuade me into considering you, if he thinks you are good enough for the filly". May glances my direction briefly and a flicker of hope shines in her eyes as she retrieves a business card from her pocket. She hands one to Nicholas and myself. Of course Reynolds takes the card that was offered to Nicky. "I'll consider you" I told her and pocketed the card. Both me and Nicholas thanked May for her time before we walked away. The guards following again when the King moved away. It seemed that they kept the same distance and when that distance became bigger, they came closer. We arrived by my family who had been waiting patiently. The only reason they had been waiting patiently, instead of their usual teasing, was simply because the King was present. After we had found out that Nicholas was actually the King of our country, Polly had told us to never be disrespectfull in his presence when out in public. She often reminded us that we need to treat him as the King and not as a friend. When she had said that she had also giving me a look. One that told me to behave myself. Upon arrival a genuine smile appeared on Nick's face when he saw Michael. Noticing the King being interested in him, the youngster took his cap of out of respect and trailed a hand through hair to fix it.

"You must be Michael Gray" Nicholas said and extended his hand towards Michael

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"You must be Michael Gray" Nicholas said and extended his hand towards Michael. "Yes, your Majesty" Michael replied, confirming his name. From the tone of his voice I could tell he was slightly nervous, but he was able to keep his nerves under control. To my left Reynolds was standing and he seemed to be pleased with the interaction between my cousin and the King. Michael made a good first impression in Reynolds eyes. Nicholas turned away, indicating that Michael should walk with him. The rest of us followed along aswell. "He's making a good first impression" Reynolds whispered to me as he walked alongside of me, "and you should always leave a good first impression with the King". "What makes you think my family cannot leave good impressions?" I questioned him, "dont take this as disrepect, Mr Shelby. But the King only accepts your familie's bad impressions because of your" he quiets down for a second, "friendship". He told me and by the way he said friendship, I knew straight away that the loyal Reynolds knows what me and Nick get up to. "But I warn you, don't bite the hand that feeds you. Because you have not seen his power yet. He can take away what he has given you". I thought for a second about what Reynolds had told me. He was right, I had not seen Nicholas true power yet. I had seen the power that comes with the title of a King. How he can easily pardon a criminal charge, something he did for Freddy. But not what Nick's power is when his position is questioned by someone else. I knew that Reynolds had seen the absolute power of our King. After all, he is the King's Man, which means he is always in the same room as the King. Unless, he is told otherwise. But the true power that Nicholas had, was revealed at the banquet after the ceremonial event calles trooping the colour, better known as the King's birthday. To which Polly and I had been invited too.

Published: 3rd of March 2024

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