King & Lady

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(Reynolds's P.O.V.)
I walk with a large stride through the hallways of Buckingham Palace after Nicholas. I had previously informed him of Lady Catherina's arrival. Without saying anything he had walked away from the window and headed towards the State Room of Buckingham Palace. I pass him so I could open the decorated door foe him to walk through. Inside where 5 women seated. Lady Catherina and her servents. "His Majesty the King of Britain and of her colonies" I announced as he walked in. Strong, confident and pure class. The wooden floorboards creak underneath Nick's weight as he arrived inside. Upon his arrival, all of the women rise to their feet and give him a curtsy. He returns it with a simple bow of his head. Then all the women, except one, leave the room. The remaining one must be Lady Catherina Basile then, I assumed. I observe her for a second and so does Nicholas. Catherina Basile carried herself with poise an in a sophisticated and fashionable way. Wearing classic style of clothing, a knee-lenght skirt and tailored button-down shirt. Clothing made from high-quality fabrics, like silk and satin. It wasn't baggy or to tight. It was tailored to fit her measurements. Just by looking at her, I could tell she came from a high-society family back in France. "s'il vous plaît, asseyez-vous, Votre Majesté" Catherina spoke in French. She had told Nick to take a seat. I cringe after hearing her say this. It's not a good idea to tell a King in his own home to take a seat, it's considered rude. I watch as Nick stares at her in silence. I could tell he didn't appreciate her comment. A bad introduction with Lady Catherina. The King eventually responds, like Catherina, also in French "C'est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance, Ma dame". Just out of sheer politeness, he had told her he was pleased to have the opportunity to make her acquaintance. "Moi aussi, je suis honoré de vous rencontrer, Majesté" Catherina replied with a soft smile, basically telling The King the same thing. That it was an honour to meet him. Then in English Nick comes straight to the point and tells her they will no longer be speaking French. "We are in my country after all" he then adds finishing in English. I was not used to him being so unfriendly, but I was convinced it was because of the treatment he was under going. It made him a harder person to approach or to even please. Lady Catherina's eyes fall before telling him in French that she cannot speak English. "Then you will learn" he stated, not giving her options. "Je me demande alors comment notre syndicat pourrait procéder en attendant?" she asked, wondering how their marriage would proceed if Nick refuse to talk French and if she doesn't know English. Nick turns to look at the window that oversees the palace grounds "there is much I wonder about a great many things" he admits with a sigh and glances away. Before returning back to face Catherina. Now I watch her tilt her hesd with a quick smile "indeed there must be, for you to contemplate marriage to a woman whom you know so little about" she speaks, this time in English with a French accent in her voice. The King chuckled realising that the Lady can speak our language with no trouble at all. The King turns his attention to me and motions for me to pour some tea. I approach and do so, pouring tea in her cuo first. I take. I take note as Catherina doesn't thank me for the service. There is another thing Nick regards highly. That is politeness. After all he was the one to say: "there is no policy better than politeness; and a good manner is the best thing in the world either to get a good name, or to supply the want of it. It's a wise thing to be polite; consequently, it is a stupid thing to be rude. To make enemies by unnecessary and willful incivility is just as insane a proceeding as to set your house on fire. For politeness is like a counter--an avowedly false coin, with which it is foolish to be stingy". "Thank you, Reynolds" Nick thanks me, basically teaching her how its meant to be, "my pleasure, Sir" I replied with a simple nod of my head, before retreating to stand at the end of the room. Nick takes a drink before directing his attention back to Catherina. Crossing his legs and leaning back on the historian styled couch "now, what makes you think I know very little about you?". Catherina raised an eyebrow, like she hadn't anticipated the question, and thus she shruggs her shoulders, not knowing how to answer. So he continued "I was told that you studied economics. May I ask what prompted you to chose that subject?". Catherina places her cup down on the table before explaining her reasoning "well, I was still young when the inflation hit France. So, I felt the need to understand the vagaries of the economic world. In order to-" she hesitated for a second, clearly not knowing how to continue in English. "To get an understanding?" The King asked raising an eyebrow at her. Her facial expression softened in relief and she nodded at him "to get an understanding. Yes, thank you" then continued to explain. "In my current job, I see how investing in companies their growth can be strategic and a tremendous help for the economy of a country". Catherina stops and looks at the King. Clearly her nerves are rising up as Nick stays silent. "My apologies. I'm rambling on and on-". "No, not at all" he tells her, "Economics is a noble pursuit, like law, engineering, medicine, and of course are necessary to sustain life. But, I myself, am much more inclined for poetry". "Why is that?" She questioned. "It's what we life for. Same with beauty, romance and love". I heard a minimalistic crack in his voice when he spoke out the word love. He noticed it himself to and tenses a bit before quickly relaxing. I wondered if he imagined Tommy when he said love and it was a pain responce to it because of the treatment. Nick had composed himself in a matter of miliseconds and thus Catherina didn't notice. "But of course, these things are useless. It does not bring wealth, it does not bring power nor cleverness". "So this marriage will not be for love?" Catherina questioned curious. Nick shakes his head simply before telling her the facts, not sugarcoating it "do not act naive, Ms Basile. You and I both know this is a marriage that will be forged under a false pretense of love". Making it clear to her that this was a marriage for a political gain, nothing more. But to the public eye it will be told as love story, straight out of a story book. What a complete lie.

Published: 23rd of May 2024

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