Trooping The Colour

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Very early in the morning Troopers had been cleaning and polishing their kits. Normally this is a daily routine for the men of the household devision and public duties. The shining of the boots until the toe cap can be used as a mirror. The blanketing of the bayonet scabbard in the belt. Brushing of the rifle butt. Grooming of the bearskins. For the public before whom any guards of regiment preforms their duties has come to have high expectations, an immaculate turnout and unequaled perfection of drill. Today they will take an even greater care than usual with their daily routine. For in several hours over 1500 soldiers, 300 horses and 400 musicians and 1 King will be at the center of one of world's great cermonial occasions. The King's birthday parade, trooping the colour.  Historically, colours were once used on the battlefield as a rallying point. They display the battle honours of a regiment and are a focal point of Trooping the Colour. The ancient ceremony has marked the sovereign's official birthday since 1748. Each year, one of the five Foot Guards regiments of the Household Division is selected to slowly troop (carry) its colour through the ranks of guards, who stand with arms presented.

A setting to match the spectacle. The wide rectangular arena of horse guards parade. Set between the Mall and Downingstreet and between Whitehall and Saint James's park. To the North the Colour at heart of this mornings parade, the King's colour of the Presbyterian Grenadier guards, in charge of a guard Sergeant. Behind them the red brick of the admirality building. The stands where all crowded around the arena. To the East stood William Kent's fine horse guards building, which was conpleted in 1760. The headquarters of the household devision and London district regiment headquarters of the household cavalry. To the South the old treasury building and trees in the backgarden of the Sir George Downing's street. To the West where the flags of all the countries under Nicholas's command flies and Saint James's park for the Guards memorial stands. Returning my attention back to the road, I saw a horse drawn carriage approaching, that of Dowager Queen Alexandra. The first out of the two royal processions. It had left Buckingham palace at 10:42 and now arrives at the approach way. Lots of flags are waved from the onlookers. As the carriage arrives at the centre of the horse guards, she recieved a royal salute by all the guards that stood in line. Better known as the guards presenting arms. It drives along untill it goes underneath the archway that marks the boundry between the Parishism Martin and the fields in saint Margrethe's Westminster, so she could eventually watch the procesion further from above in the balcony from the Generals office. Meanwhile the King's procession led by the mounted band have now also left the palace at 10:45. My eyes scanned along every horse and guard. Trying to catch a glimpse of Nicholas as the royal escort rode passed my familie's and my own spot. Riders with front and rear armour, which had carefully and with great eye for detail been polished and chromed, rode passed us on huge handsome black horses. Who had been groomed to prefection. Then, finally, on an imposing light bay horse came the King. His Majesty in his uniform as Colonel in Chief of all the regiments in the household devision.

Great cheers echo through the streets as he arrives

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Great cheers echo through the streets as he arrives. Behind him ride three others. If Nicholas had, living, siblings they would be riding behind him. Instead it where two of his uncles The Duke of Glochester and the Duke of Kent. And the last one was the Master of the Horse. I leaned my arms on the railing and looked at Nicholas as he passed along. The people around us looked towards Nicholas in awe and admiration. He truely conveyd his grandeur and stateliness, making him a formidable presence. Then just before the clock striked the 11th hour mark, when Nicholas rode with the rest towards the horse guard parade for the start of Trooping the Colour. Six shots where suddenly fired from the opposite side to where we were standing. Nick's horse got startled and took off, but he manged to calm the bay down quickly. Meanwhile the King's escort immediatly came into action, riding to his side to protect the King at all cost. I spotted a guardsman grappling with a man and onlookers helping him. As police rushed over from all directions to make their arrest. Astonishly, the King and his horse continued on as if nothing had happened. Nick even turned to his uncles and smiled a benevolent smile, which put them at ease, even in time of crisis. Everyone continued on towards the Horse Guards. There Nicholas got his royal salute which he returned. Riding towards the archway, he looked up and saluted his grandmother. Before turning the bay horse around so he could watch the ceremony. During the slow march-past, the colours are lowered before the monarch and during the quick march-past the colours fly. The monarch will salute the colours in return. Music began to play when the exchange of the colour between the troops happened. It was provided by the massed bands of the Foot Guards and the mounted Band of the Household Cavalry, together with a Corps of Drums, and pipers. Once obtained, the colour is displayed at the head of the march past the sovereign in slow and quick time, by the Foot Guards, the Household Cavalry, and the King's Troop. The latter two elements, being mounted, conduct a walk-past and a trot-past. After the march, Nicholas rode the large horse along the line of soldiers, inspecting the troops of the Household Division and the King's Troop, before eventually making his way back to Buckingham Palace. At the palace the monarch, together with family members, surveys a further march-past from outside the gates. Following a 41-gun salute by the King's Troop in Green Park, the royal family make an appearance on the palace balcony for a Royal Air Force flypast. As I was watching Nicholas stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, I wondered. How did the home office not know about assassination attempt on the King? Then again, Nick reminded some of the counsil members about it during the banquet.

Published: 10th of March 2024

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