Stripped of the right

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(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
I walk through the halls untill eventually I arrive at the main room. A guard stood in the front. As soon as he saw me, he turned around and opened the doors. "Your Majesty" the guard loudly spoke, gaining my father's attention, "Nicholas. The Prince of Wales". "Ah my son" father said before motioning for me to come further "come in". As I walk inside, I notice a few familiar faces. Members of the privy council, the royal advisors of the King. I spare them no second glance because someone else catches my eye. It's my younger brother, Prince Edward. "The time has come for us to discuss the issue of my succession" father began, making me turn my head towards him. "Although you are my eldest son. I have decided that you will not inherit the crown". "What?!" I loudly asked in disbelief. I had been prepared to inherit that crown since birth, to gain the title of King. And now suddenly I am being stripped of that title? I had a feeling who would gain my promised title. "That priveledge and responcebility will go to your younger brother, Edward". My head snaps towards my brother who smirks like the cheshire cat. Edward, had always been my father's favorite. Hell, he is the countries favorite. England's heart throbe, the perfect son. And to make it even better as far as the people know, Eddie is the oldest Prince, the heir to the throne. The nation would cheer once he rises up the throne. But what they don't know is that Eddie is a selfish bastard. Only out for more power and he doesn't give a damn thing if innocent blood is killed. He acts before he thinks, he uses brute force before reason. Make him King and this nation will fall under his command. If he doesn't get himself killed first. He has a tendency to get into trouble, but never got himself out of it. "So now its my duty as King and father. To say to you directly that you will not inherit the throne after me". I inhaled sharply and deeply before breathing out and letting out a dark chuckle. "I knew it. I will never be good enough, for you or for anyone. I try my best day in, day out, for my family, for my people, for my country! And it is never good enough!". I stopped in front of him "I could be the most perfect person in the world, and it still wouldn't be good enough in your eyes". I straighten my back "you would put our country in the hands of the person who has no problem with seeing a civil war unfold as long as he comes ontop after the bloodshed". I turn and walk towards my brother and stop just in front of him, our noses barely touch each other. "He will do that and more, the selfish bastard-" I growl at him,  "Silence!" My father's voice booms through the room cutting me off. No one dared to move. Eddie is smiling with joy after he hears my father scold me, like a little boy. "You would do well with respecting your future King" My father continues, "he'll die before he ever get's my respect". "Nicholas Henry Hanover!" My father calls my full name angrily, dissaproaving of my statement. From the corner of my eye I see him stand up, albeit weakily. Yet power still radiates from him and the room itself bows to it. He continues with a more calming, but still a stern King-like voice. "I have told you what you were summonsed to hear. Now leave us" he sneers at me. "Very well" I replied simply, "don't come crying to me when the crown falls" I warn him before making my way out Buckingham palace. Walking through the halls I grow angry, but most of all I feel betrayed.

A couple hours later

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I look up to meet Polly's concerned gaze as she walks into the bettingshop. "What is it, aunt Pol?" John asled her a bit worried, "You might want to go check on your mate" she answers him. Us brothers share a glance between the three of us. "Nick seems to have taken a wrong turn". At the mention of our dear friend and former Lieutenant Colonel we all immediatly stand up to go search for him. "He's in the alley beside the Garrison" Polly offers some help. I nodd and put my peaked cap on before following my brothers outside. We manage to find him rather quickly, exactly where Polly told us he would be. Harry is standing by Nicky, keeping an eye on him. "How much did you give him to drink?" Arthur asked as we see Nicholas leaned against the wall, almost out cold from being so drunk. "Nothing, he was like this when I found him" Harry replied truthfully. I crouch down in front of Nicky. "Hello, old friend" I greeted trying to get him to awknowledge me. But he was beyond the point of being able to think straight, so it was no use. "I've never seen him like this" Harry said, by the look on his face I could tell hs was waiting for confirmation from us too. Nicholas was not known as a heavy drinker, he only drank occassionly and when he did. It was always one or two never more. So to see him in such a state was entirely new. "Nothing a good night's rest won't help" I said, "John. Arthur" I motioned for my brothers to help me lift Nicky from the ground, so we could bring him back to his place in Small Heath. As we lifted him up to his feet, he mumbled something in his drunken state. I look at my brothers with a questioning look, wanting to know if they also heard him right. By their face it was clear they did too. It was something about the King, but he was so incoherent that the rest was unidentifiable.

Published: 25th of August 2023

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