A King instead of a man

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Warning: smut / 18+

(Nick's P.O.V.)
It was risky, and perhaps even self-sabotaging. If even one person recognized me when I leave Tommy's house, my whole life could go up in smoke. There would be no denying who I would be with. I could lie and explain he was a friend, a member of my royal court or a cousin. But who was I kidding? Everyone knew exactly who Thomas Shelby is. I contemplated to leave now, at midnight. While the streets are abandoned and quiet. I look back over my shoulder to Tommy. Who laid spread out over his bed, lying on his stomach, wearing nothing but boxer briefs. When I had gotten out of the bed, Tommy had began to stir awake. Extending his entire body and then settling back into the warmth of the blankets. The pillow he had been squished into service under his crossed arms, and he restes his head on his forearms, turning toward me. He’s drowsing, only half-awake, but he’s watching me. I bite my lip and force myself to look back out the window. I'm supposed to be thinking about getting out of here without notice, not about Tommy's bare back. All lean muscles and a couple of scars from the war lingering on his skin all the way down to his hips. Not about the way the line of his spine dips right before it runs under the waistband of his briefs. Especially not about his eyes, how he blinks slowly at me as if he can’t get his fill of looking, as if falling asleep would mean he’d miss something. "You’d rather be here then at Buckingham house" he murmured to me. Even half-asleep, he caught me looking. "I need to leave" I tell him, but stay put none the less. Glued to the floor. My body refusing to leave. Its knowing that I could go back to that bed and slide in beside him. Knowing how I could feel the heat of his body against my skin as I leaned in to kiss the point of his shoulder, but knowing that the only thing holding me back from doing so, is the fact that I have to leave. For mine and his own good. Yet the mind keeps drifting back to the arousing memories from just hours ago. Tommy chuckles into his arms victorious and smiles as his eyes flutter closed, "see? You won't leave just like that. Its un-gentleman of you". There's a definite note of smug satisfaction in his voice. "Don't lecture me about what does and does not define a gentleman, Tom" I tell him, a bit more sharply than I had meant, "I'm the King. It's in my nature to be a gentleman". "Of course, your Majesty" Tommy laughs and rolls over, leaving one hand propped behind his head. I shoot him a warning glare for calling me that, but don't speak a word. Tommy's eyes are hooded, the icy blue was more darkened and deep, not as sharp as usual. Probably because he was still not fully awake. My eyes flicker over his torso. From the medical attended bullet wound then over to the tattoo on his left pec. Again, he catches me staring and a playfull smirk appears on his lips. A daring and teasing one. My breath quickens slightly as I watch Tommy slide his hand lower towards the end of his briefs. I swallow and lick my lips quickly. How am I able to force myself to leave now? I'm getting hard just by looking at him. He was teasing himself as much as he was me. Waiting for my move. "You're tired" he said, with a twist of his hips he pushed his brief lower, taking his half-hard dick in his hand, "come back to bed". "I'm tired of your boldness" I tell him and turn my back to him and look back out through the curtain. Yet I can't help but listen. Tommy is breathing deeply and evenly, almost as if he's still asleep. But there’s the soft brush of skin on skin, and every now and then, he lets out a sound like an interrupted sigh. My fingers twitch, aching for him and I feel myself getting bothered. There’s no point in denying it, or in putting it off. He’s right, as usual, that I was not going to leave at this moment. I bite the inside of my cheek in annoyence and shake my head. He won, again, as per usual. "Fuck it" I snarl and unbutton my dress shirt again. I had gotten dressed when I got out of the bed. Thinking it would help me to leave easier, but to no prevail. My dress shirt drops to the floor. The room is cold and creates goosebumps on my skin. But I ingore them and walk with long strides over to Tommy. I climb ontop of him and push him down onto his back. I grab the back of his neck and turn his face so that I can kiss his throat and underneath his chin. I take a moment to breath against his skin, grazing my teeth along his jaw, before continuing. I lick and suck gently, not bothering to rush, like I had done hours ago, not now. I move over to his lips. Tommy pulls ms closer to deepen the kiss. He starts to suck on my tongue, our bodies pressed against each other from collarbone to toes, and I feel him getting hard. I lean on my arm so I can lower myself down, giving him more access. There is a hint of roughness on his lips, and his tongue swirls against my own. Going for dominance. I chuckle against his lips at his eagerness. With my free hand I move down his stomach and begin to stroke his cock below me. Tommy jerks at the sudden touch, but settles soon enough. Breathing heavily this time and I can hear the grunts form in the back of his throat. He was completely hard. So was I. Crawling back a bit, I lower myself down and take him into my mouth. Working him over, swirling his manhood in my mouth. My mind fascinated with how hard, and yet how soft his dick was. My tongue playing with his shaft, while my lips worked him over. Sucking. Wanting to suck him in his entirely. Wanting nothing else. He loudly groans my name. God, his voice was dripping with sex. Funny thing, I was too obsessed with sucking his cock to answer the dominant question he asked me. I was tk desperate to feel his manhood fill me up to be bothered with such stupid things as language. I just let go, let myself drift in a stoned, horny daze. Living for the feelings flooding me. Tommy pulled out and pushes me away from him. Before instantly grabbing my jaw in a rough manner. "Say yes" Tommy ordered. His eyes sparking with lustfull glow. "Say yes. Say you like sucking me off". It came out as an order, telling me to agree with the statement. Like I had no other choice. Like I was meant to submit to his dominance. I chuckled darkly at him and lean to his ear "you don't give out orders to me". I don't give him time to react to me, and force him back down. But as I hold him down against the mattress, I still answer his question. "Yes, I do. But I like this more".

(Tommy's P.O.V)
I watched as he lined his cock up, with one direct movement, Nicky simply pushed in. Then rammed into me. My hands went to Nick's shoulders and I felt him slide right in, all the way. The warmth was incredible, the heat from his dick a shocking difference. I dig my fingers into his flesh as he drove his cock into me to the hilt, pushing me up further onto the bed, and holding himself still as I felt his cock twitch and throb in me. Nick didn’t speak, just closed his eyes and fucked me. I was moaning with every hard pump in me, making nonstop sounds as he fucked me. Nicholas leaned down and pressed his lips on my shoulder, kissing me roughly, pushing my head sideways so he could lick neck. He didn’t kiss me as we both made sounds with every hard thrust. Nick rose up on his fists, hanging over me. Looking down at me he before he leaned over me and kissed me at last against my lips, with passion. Nick grinned at me and fucked me untill he came. Loud grunts filled the room, our bodies moving as one. Nick grabbed my own cock and started jerking me as he shuddered, his eyes on me, watching me respond to the feeling of him stroking my cock. My body went into spasms, my hands went to the bed sheets as I arched my body into his, pressing hard against him to feel his thick cock deeper. Both Nick and I groaned loud as we got our release. Nicky stilled afterwards and hung over me, catching his breath. Before pulling out and rolling off from me. To lay beside me—the bed is ridiculously tiny with the two of us on it, but I don't care, and it’s clear that he doesn’t either. My eyes already closed and I'm sliding along the border between sleep and been awake. Just like that, we fell asleep.

The next morning

I stir as a ray of sunshine wakes me up. My eyes flutter open and I spot Nicholas sitting at the edge of the bed. His bare back is faced to me. Nick turns to look over his shoulder at me, realising I have woken up. "How are you feeling?" Nick questioned me, his eyes glancing to the newest bullet wound that had been treated yesterday. My hand glides over the newest bullet wound in my body. "Doesn't hurt" I told him, "you cured me of the pain". He didn't react to my statement. "I haven't felt this good in such a long time". I heard him softly chuckle and he shook his head, which formed a smile on my lips. Nicholas always hated being flattered. It got you no where with him. Nick turns away again. He raises his hand and rubs his face before sighing "I should go" Nick said and rose up to his feet. To find the remainder of his clothes. "Where did I put my-?" He questions grumbling that he lost his boxers in the race to fuck me senseless. "take a pair of mine" I told him, "they are in the drawer of the right". I point to my dresses as he looks at me. Nicky doesn't say anything and just walks to my dresser. Opening it I hear him sigh deeply. "Tommy" he begins with a sigh, pausing for a second before continuing, "what we are doing" another pause, "I've stopped thinking if it's right or wrong. I don't care. But there is one thing I do know". Nicky stops rummaging in the draw. "We will never be more than this" He motions between the two of us. Indicating it will never be more than a hook up, a one night stand, or whatever you could call this. "It's all it can be" he states. "Your life is here and mine is back at Buckingham Palace". He bends down and grabs his dress shirt from the floor and pulls it on. "The people need a King. A real King. Not one that is occupied by other affairs" He looks me up and down. Almost in a disgusting manner before turning away. This make my anger rises inside me and without thinking I step forward. Grabbing Nick by his shoulder, turning him around before landing a punch straight in his jaw. Nick stumbles slightly, raising a hand to his jaw before looking at me. Now I can see his eyes flare with anger. He charges forward and pins me to the wall behind me by my neck. Holding me there, but not choking me. "Go ahead, kill me. See how your nation will react when they find out you killed a man that smells of your cum" I whisper harshly at him. Nick's eyes move quickly over my features and I can see him fighting against himself. He lets go off me and begins to quickly paces around my room. Running his hands through his hair and mumbling inchorent. I have never seen him like this. So out of control, so panicked, so worried. Its unusual of him, normally he is so in control of himself. I then realise that he had become good with locking his emotions away. All for the sake to please others. How lonely it must be, to be a king instead of a man. I step forward to him in a cautious manner. I lift my hand up to touch his face, he moves his head away, flinching, weary of my intentions. But soon leans into my touch and relaxes instantly. A deep breath leaves his lips. "We'll find a way" I tell him. Nick opens his eyes and looks at me. "A King and a bookmaker". I see a smile appear onto Nick's face "a Peaky Blinder" he corrects me, "How scandalous"

Published: 4th of February 2024

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