Royal Cypher

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(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
In modern heraldry, a royal cypher is a monogram or a monogram-like device of a country's reigning sovereign. Typically consisting of the initials of the monarch's name and title, sometimes interwoven and often surmounted by a crown. For an emperor or empress it is called an imperial cypher. In the cypher system used by the realms, the title is abbreviated as 'R' for 'rex' or 'regina'. Which is Latin for 'King' and 'Queen'. For the Imperial cypher its the 'I' for 'imperator' or 'imperatrix'. In turn in Latin it stands for 'emperor' and 'empress'. Royal cyphers appear on some government buildings, impressed upon royal and state documents, and are used by governmental departments. They may also appear on other governmental structures built under a particular ruler. And now, it was my turn to pick out a Royal cypher. I stood infront of a table with multiple designs. None of which spoke directly to me. I sighed unimpressed and rubbed my temple in annoyence turning away from the table. "Sir, you need to pick-" Martin, who was in charge of making sure that everything got the new Royal Cypher, spoke out nervously, "I understand that, Martin. But none of them are to my liking" I told him frustrated. I had been looking at multiple designs for hours straight. Then, I remembered the designer who had designed the cypher for my grand-father. I always had enjoyed that one specificly. "What about Morningstar? Do they still design cyphers?" I asked turning around. I watched Martin think for a second "Morningstar left the College of Arms in the beginning of this year, Your Majesty" I got told. I turned my head to look at him and he got my hint. "But I'll send a request to Morningstar for you, Sir". I nodded "give my best regards" I said and turned on my heel. Indicating to everyone I was done with this conversation.

A day later.

I was sat behind the piano and played a symphonie that I had learned to play from my mother. It was Johann Sebastian Bach's, Prelude 1 in C Major. From the corner of my eye I could see my King's man, Reynolds, open the door to let in Martin. I continued to play the symphonie, forcing him to wait for me to awknowledge him properly. I soon finished and let my hands rest on the keys of the piano. Before taking one deep breath and standing up from the chair. I fixed my blazer and made my way to Martin. Both Martin and the King's Man, Reynolds, did a courtesy bow. I raised an eyebrow waiting for Martin to start talking. He got the hint. "Morningstar was honoured to make these for you, Your Majesty. And they too send their best regards" Martin began as I watched him roll the scrolls out. My eyes gliding over the design. The N and R weren't interwoven, something I always liked. This was better to read in my opinion. Above the letters was the famous Tudor Crown. An instant smile appearing on my lips as I made my pick. "This one will do just fine, thank you Martin" I told him and pointed to my favorite design.

"Now if you don't mind, I would like to continue with my day off" I said and turned around to go back to the piano

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"Now if you don't mind, I would like to continue with my day off" I said and turned around to go back to the piano. But eventually sighed, I had enough of these god-for-saken palace walls, making me feel trapped. I had been paraded around like a show-pony for the last few days. Meeting prime ministers, kings and queens from other countries. Sitting still for paintings and for the pictures which people where going to hang in their homes. I felt trapped and I needed a breather. I stood up announcing to my King's man to ready my car. "Certainly, your Majesty" Reynolds answered and bowed, "may I ask where we are going?". "To the race tracks up North". I always enjoyed the race tracks. Allthough the last few years I hadn't really been to any. Regardless of the wartime or my issues with my father resulting in him taking my birth right away to which I rebelled.

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