More pressing matters

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
"King George V is getting sicker by the day!" A newspaper boy called out loudly as he waved newspapers adound. I ignored it, I had more pressing matters to attend to, than grief over a King who may soon die. "Parliment in search for the heir!" Another yelled on a different street. Finally, I found the person who was actually seadching for. Nick walked with a fast pace over the street. Clearly in a hurry, his face held a strong expression. "Nicky!" I called after my friend. Nicholas turned around to face me but kept walking "make it quick, Blinder!" He yelled at me. There was still a friendly smile on his face, but he made it sure to tell me to be urgent with my conversation. I nodded and began to walk a bit faster so I could catch up to him. "I need a favor to ask you" I told him once I arrived by his side, "whenever a Shelby comes to me asking for a favor, it is rarely ever in good intention" Nicholas laughed but nodded nonetheless and continued with his proper accent, "but, please, by all means. Do tell".

The next day

I walked alongside the cutt, beside me was a nervous Danny Wizzbang. "Danny as you know, the man you killed was Italian. Those two men over there, are his brothers" I told him and nodded across the cutt to two men in well tailored suits. But never as fancy as Nicholas had. "If I let the Italians do this Danny, they will cut off your manhood and let you drain. That's how those bastards do things. So to stop a war breaking out between us and the Italians, to save you from their barbarity. I said I would dispatch you myself. They are here to witness" I explained to him. Danny was silently sobbing as he held his peaked cap tightly. "I died over there anyway, Tommy. I left my fucking brains in the mud" he told me softly, "you have any last requests, comrade?" I asked him. Danny turned around to look at me "you look after my Rosie and my boys. See they get good apprenticeships at the BSA factory or the Austin" he told me, "just all together. Just ordinary men and they won't get told to do this shit. The shit that we got told to do" he sneered but whimpered aswell. "I asked our Lieutenant Colonel for a favor regarding your boys, he won't let them down" I told him and he noddes at me. "I supposed to go to pray now" Danny continued whimpering, "those fucking guns, they blew God right out of me head". From the corner of my eye, I saw Charlie's narrowboat approaching. Danny did too. "Is that boat for me?". "We have to get your body out of the city, Danny. This new copper, you know". "Don't bury me anywhere there's mud, okay? Promise me. Bury me on a hill and tell Rosie where". I nodded. "You're a good man. And a good Soldier. Both me and Nicky know it" I told him before extending my hand for him to shake. A sad smile formed on his lips "yes, Sargeant Major". The boat arrived and Danny turned around. I grabbed my gun and pointed it at Danny's head. Taking a deep breath and cocking the revolver, loading a bullet into the chamber. "In the Bleak mid-winter" I spoke out before pulling the trigger. Blood splattered onto my face while Danny fell forward into the boat. At the other side of the canal, the two Italians nodded before taking their leave. I turned on my heal and left myself while Charlie veered the boat away from the edge, to continue out of the city.

Later that same day

(Charlie's P.O.V.)
I let the boat glide through the tunnel and over the quiet water. I lit a cigarette and waited. Then the door opened and out walked Danny, alive and well. "You okay, Danny?" I asked him and puffed out some smoke, "I'm still in shock" he replied and looked around, "you sure this isn't heaven?". "If it was heaven, what would I be doing here?" I asked him. Danny didn't answer me, instead he grabbed his forehead and groaned softly. "Tommy wanted you to think it was real. Try and knock some sense into you" I explained, "a shell full of sheep brains hurts pretry bad" Danny answered lowering his hand, "ah, it was meant to". "So, where are you taking me?" Danny continued asking his questions, "London, Tommy has a little job for you. Give you a chance to say thanks. You're a Peaky Blinder now, Danny" I told him. He nodded at me ut then asked his final question "but I don't know anyone in London". "Oh, you know someone" I replied as the boat left the tunnel. By his face, I could tell Danny was confused. So to help him out, I pointed tk a certain person who stood on wallside of the canal. Danny turned and looked before a relieved smile formed on his lips, after recognizing, Lieutenant Nicholas.

Always dressed like a gentleman and standing like a King, Nicky looked down at us

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Always dressed like a gentleman and standing like a King, Nicky looked down at us. "Welcome to London, lads" Nicholas announced simply. "Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel" Danny replied as he got out the boat. I stood up and tipped my peaked cap at him, before leaving. Nicholas returned it with his own nod of his head. He maybe isn't a Peaky Blinder, but it sure seems like he is part of the gang. Always dealing with Tommy's business and getting us out of shit. How he did it, no idea, he just made it seem like he has the same power as the King of England. "Now, Danny. I do not know if, Mr Strong has told you yet. But, Tommy has asked me to give you a roof over your head. So, if you please follow me, than I will show you my hkuse where you'll be staying untill you recieve other orders". Nicholas turned on his heel to leave with Danny behind. But soon stopped and looked my way. He dug a hand into his pocket and retrieved some moneh and handed it to me "for your troubles, Charlie".

(Nicky's P.O.V.)
I turned around again and walked away with Danny "come on, Danny-boy. I would like to get off the streets as soon as possible". "Are you in trouble, Sir?" Danny questioned me, "do you need my help?". "If you help me, Dan, it would be seen as something as close as treason. So, don't you worry about me, okay?" I told my former soldier. "Yes, Sir". "Good man". It was true, I was hiding away from Parliment. I didn't know just yet if I wanted to reclaim my birthright of the throne. So I needed a space to think. Now if they find out Danny or anyone else helps me, Parliment would only see it as a form of kidnapping and they would mark my friends as traitors to the crown. Now I have to make sure that it won't look like that. But also I need to make sure that Danny won't find out who I truely am meant to be.

Published: 25th of October 2023

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