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(Nick's P.O.V.)
I walked with a fast pace through the hallways of Buckingham house. My new Kingsman had trouble keeping up. Which agitated me a bit. Allthough the kid did his job, it didn't feel the same. Reynolds knew what I wanted but most of all what I needed from a Kingsman. The new guy, Barnes, didn't know my needs. And often questioned my descisions. Then all of a sudden I heard my title being called out "your Majesty!". I look over my shoulder and see the Bishop of Canterbury and some of the other mem of parliment. I halt and let them approach. "Me and the rest of the counsil have met and discussed the issue regarding your desire to talk to Mrs Reynolds. And we-" the Bishop began but I cutt him off, "if you are going to tell me something which will infuriate me, I suggest you stop talking now" I tell him, "you're on thin ice with me already, Canterbury". I turn my head away and make a move to leave them again. Bit am immediatly halt again when the Bishops speaks again. "We are giving you an ultimatum, my King" he stated loudly. I instantly turn around and narrow my eyes at him. An ultimatum in diplomacy is a last demand before resorting to concessions. "I am the King. You cannot give Kings an ultimatum" I almost snap at him. "That may be true. But we do believe it is in your best interest to listen". I dont respond and the Bishop continues to talk. "We have been informed about your love for Thomas Shelby. So, although we won't tell your people the true reason, but we will make you out as a misgoverned King. You will have misgoverned this country to the point that you no longer have the citizens' trust and they will want you to abdicate at once". I watch him carefully, trying to figure out his motive. I have not misgoverned this country, I have not ruled ineffective or improper. So how can he accuse me of misgovernment? Then I realized it. My counsil, my parliment was going to control me. Simply because I loved the wrong person. I approach him with anger and snarl lowly at him "don't overstep your status". The bishops looks at my unbothered by my threat. So he decided a different approach. One that directly and personally could hurt me. "What about him?" The bishop asked calmly, "what about who?" I questioned, "Mr Shelby". My eyes flickered over his facial features quickly. My mind racing and my heart screaming in anger at the mention of Tommy. "You go seek out Mrs Reynolds whereabouts and we will have Mr Shelby arrested for treason and to an extent, espionage, to you, the King of the united kingdom". That was his ultimatim. If I go seek out Ms Reynolds and ask her what the truth was, my parliment will warrant an arrest for Tommy because of me. "So, you can stay here and follow a treatment by one of the royal doctors to eliminate your devilish desires. Or go out, find the truth your looking for, but in return we will hang your lover". A silence fell around me as I thought of a loophole in this. What are kings, when their power is gone. But perfect shadows in a sunshine day? My nobles rule; I bear the name of King. I wear the crown, but am controlled by them. I need to find the truth, but I don't want Tommy to be arrested and hung for treason. And yet, I also couldn't let them make me out as a midgoverned King and have me abdicate. This kingdom will then be run into poverty by the person next in line, whose ambitions are to gain more ground and more power. Having no regards for the people of the United Kingdom. My fist clenched tightly in anger at their nerves. With a long and extended thought, I made my desicion. I turned on my heel and walked away to go find Mrs Reynolds. Behind me I could hear the Bishop and members of parliment converse "get a warrant in place for Mr Shelby's arrest". I shut my eyes tightly and whisper very quietly "I'm sorry, Tommy. That it has to be like this".

Later on in Birmingham

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I was in the Garrison enjoying a drink with my brothers. When all of a sudden, a group of policemen barged through the door. And before I could even question there reason for being here. They grabbed a rough hold of me, and basically slammed me to the wall to handcuff me. My brothers screamed and demanded and explaination as they fought the other coppers. Behind me the copper wjo was handcuffing me, whispered close into my ear why I was being arrested "treason and espionage to his Majesty the King". I got man handled roughly, pulled back to stand upright. "And for that, you'll get the noose".

Published: 4th of April 2024

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