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(Tommy's P.O.V )
Although the war had ended the soldiers who had served in the war didn't immediatly return home. It would end up in utter chaos if all of us would go home all at once. After all, there was still a rationing back home. So we got send back home in groups. First were the miners and agricultural workers. The essential workers if you will. Me, my brothers and the rest of the Platoon of 'B' company where at the end of the queue. And there was nothing we could do to make us go up in said queue. We just got told to wait. And of course it was no suprise that high ranked officers who where also at the end of the queue decided to demote themselves. They where in charge of filling in the form to release soldiers. But they filled out their own forms and just left, leaving their men behind. Almost all of them, beside our own Lieutenant. Nick had been told multiple times that he could return home. But he had always refused immediatly, telling them that he will not leave his men behind. And knowing that only earned him even more respect amongst his platoon.

Me, my brothers and Freddie all where sitting beside each other, having light conversation, when suddenly a Private from a different platoon walked towards us. "Good afternoon" he greeted us after doing a salute because we where higher ranked. We all gave a greeting back. "Have any of you seen your Lieutenant Nicholas?". Without saying anything we all turned around to face LT. to show the Private where he could find him. Nicky was sitting just a a few meters away from us. Enjoying some alone time as he was drawing.

The Private nodded a thank you and saluted us, after all he was lower ranked than all of us, before leaving to go see LT

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The Private nodded a thank you and saluted us, after all he was lower ranked than all of us, before leaving to go see LT. I kept my eye on the two, wanting to know why a low ranked Private needed to talk to a Lieutenant of a different platoon. I watched Nick look up to awknowledge the Private. The two shared a few words before I could see Nicholas demeanor change. With one simple wave he dismissed the Private. When the young lad had turned around, I could see that he wore a slight humiliating look on his face. "Wonder what LT. told him" John said leaning in closer. He thought exactly what I was thinking. It didn't take long when a different person arrived. I knew that this person was the Lieutenant of the Platoon that the young Private was a part of. But instead of approaching Nicholas, he came over to us. Without a warning he began to yell at us for no reason. Insulting and harrassing us basically. Beside me I could tell Arthur was getting pissed off. But before he could go off, the calm and powerfull voice of Nicholas came through the air. He didn't awknowledge Arthur's anger. "Can I help you, LT. Price?" He questioned stepping past us to come up front of the group. "I had sent my Private to you to, once again, tell you that you are supposed to go home" Price sneered in responce. "And I will once again repeat that I will not go home aslong as my men remaim here". "You can't disobey everyones order" Price commented. Nick just simply shrugged his shoulder and smirked "I can aslong as they dont outrank me, and no one has done that yet". Price chuckled unimpressed and gave one more responce "and what if the crown was the one who ordered you home this time?". I turned to face Nicholas. Wanting to see his reaction. Any normal person would freak out slightly after hearing that the crown wanted them back. But Nicholas seemed as calm as ever, not even faced by the fact that the crown personally had ordered to bring him back home. Then like I had seen him do before, Nicholas went ahead to go negotiate.

He began

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He began. "I'll agree on the Crowns order to go back home, only if my men return home with me". Price bit the inside of his cheek and turned around. He knew all to well that there was no changing Nicholas mind so he didn't bother arguing with him. CSM smirked triumphly before turning around to retreat to his original spot.

A day later

(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
I walked over towards my platoon. Some of them where sleeping. With my foot I nudged their legs to wake them up. "What is it, Sir?" Freddy questioned me after all of them saluted me, "pack your gear, lads. We are going home" I answered with a smirk. "You mad Bastard, you went against the crown and won" Arthur said laughing.

Published: 23rd of July 2023

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