The Crown lives on

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(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
I was sat, crossed legged, at my desk as I watched Inspector Campbell dig himself into a deeper grave. Around me stood Mr Winston Churchill and some of the other politicians that worked close with him. All rather amused at how Campbell tried to talk himself good again, after his little stunt he pulled with me. "Sir, It will tarnish your reputation as King to have intimate relationship with the likes of him" Chester told me, but never looked me in the eye. I raised an eyebrow at the him "please clarify what you mean with 'the likes of him', Inspector Campbell. Is it because he is a man or?" I ordered him. I watched him go pale white. Realising he just basically told me that my choice of sexual partners was wrong. And there he went quickly trying to set his wrongs right. "My apologies, your highness. I didn't mean that" he answered and bowed. "Then what did you mean" I snapped at him. Campbell looked between me and the other men in the room. Soon realising that none of them where going to stand by him. Who would stand beside the person who unrightfully arrested the future King. Not to mention that most of these men had been under my command back in the war and had been treated with respect every single time I saw them. "Sir, with the greatest respect, Thomas Shelby is a murdering, cutthroat mongrel gangster" Chester told me. "And yet, Thomas Shelby is smart enough not to disrespect me. While you continue to only show disrespect" I said and stood up to lean my hands on my desk, "Mr Campbell, you might not be aware of what the job of a King exactly intells. A King's job is to protect his people, to serve his people. To make sure no harm comes to his people when idiots with a high-education in politcs decide to implement a new law, that will only benefit the rich" I continued and began walking through the room, while lecturing all of them about a King's job. "Essentially I will become the last person that can step in to prevent those prestigious private schools men from toying with the well being of my people, you understand right?" I asked and turned to face the Inspector. "I think the entire country understands that you will cater to her well being once you are crowned, your Highness". "Good, then you do understand that if you ever decide to hurt or disrespect my people again, no matter who they may be. You will answer directly to me. And whatever crimes I commit against you. Remember, I have Sovereign immunity in 27 countries including Australia" I told him, reminding how many countries are in the British Empire. "Because I do not appraciate when peoples houses are raided eithout proper cause" I also remind him when multiple streets in Small Heath got raided.
"How did-" Campbell questioned, face going even paler now, "You think I don't know what happens in this country? Be less naive, Inspector" I told him and handed him the rapport of the raid that I had made my personal business. I stayed silent for a moment before shifting to a different topic. "I do not know what will become of you. Wheter you remain in the position you hold at this moment or not. So, I can only offer you this, the most blessed reprieve, the most dreadfull misery. You shall suffer the indignity of serving me. But know now that I will promise you, that you will be watched over by an altogether different King" I stated, "and thus, I am going to decide here and now what my regnal name will be. The one that I will take as King" I began and saw Churchill usher some men out who were not meant to be here during this conversation. "My father took George, although his name was Albert. But I believe there is nothing wrong with my name. So I will not over complicate this matter. My name is Nicholas, the name so carefully chosen by my mother" I finished and then turned on my heel to walk out but stopped when I heard one simple line, that held so much power. "Then Long Live King Nicholas".

A day later

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I held the newspaper in my hand as I read the news article. "At all points of his realm, his crowning is proclaimed. From Saint James's palace the words are read by the King, a proclaimation declaring his Majesty's pleasure touching his royal coronation and the solemnity thereof that all his realm shall knoe the King is to be crowned. He comes to us in the sorrow of his father's passing, our Sovereign Lord King George V". My entire family listened silently as I continued to read, "and now in Scotland's capital, the words are read 'as by ancient usage and custom of this realm. Nicholas Henry whereas we have resolved by the favor and blessing of almighty God, to celebrate the solemnity of our royal coronation at Westminster upon Tueseday the second day of June in the year of grace 1919' the words echoed out of the history of the land. A new day moves in strenght over the ancestral pattern of ceremony in the Great cities and the towns of the country. The trumpets are sounding". I turn the page to continue reading "The Herald comes to Temple Bar at the bounds of the city, asking leaf to enter and speaking and answering the silver trumpets blow. His Majesty's officers of arms demand entrance into the city of London in order to proclaim the coronation of his Royal Majesty the King". "On the day of the King's crowning, the gradual ceremony of daybreak touches the royal coat of arms on the gates of Buckingham Palace. And finds a people and a world in waiting".

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