King's man worry

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(Reynolds's P.O.V.)
I set the food, a bowl of sloppy porridge, down for the King in his chambers. Before stepping aside to wait for him to return back from his therapy session with the doctor. Oh, how I despiced that doctor and his so called heroic therapies. I gaze upwards, upon hearing the door open and Nicholas walking inside. I note that he is clutching his robe tightly around himself, trying to protect himself from something. I watch as he dusts of the robe and begins to dress, keeping his eyes on the floor. Shame hiding in his features. My eyes glance over the ice burns that decorated his back and torso. I hesitate for a moment. Not sure what to say to the King who has clearly undergone torture. It's all the same, day and night, the tyoe of therapy doesn't change. It's just as brutal as the one that came before. "Is your Majesty quite alright?" I questioned eventually, "of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Nick stated coldly. Subtly telling me not to question it. "Forgive me, your Majesty. No reason at all". I watch as he unfolds a pair of trousers. "Though..  it is a prodigious quantity of ice they keep carting around here" I stated, "and as for the food, I do not know that I'd see it fed to our lowest stable hand". Nick looks up at me. Fixed gaze, stern eyes. But then they soften slightly "I wouldn't even have it fed to the pigs". A soft chuckle left his throat, trying to joke about the situation, without much succes. I hear that there is tension in his voice aswell. As if he is treading on eggshells. Nick turns to face me and I tighten my jaw as I see redness form near his cheek. I knew some of the session had resulted in physicall damage by hitting or punching when Nick returned with a bruised face. And this time it had been done again, just not as badly as before. "Sir-" I began wanting to voice my opinion, but it was no use cause Nick shut me down quickly "drop it, Reynolds". "Apologies, Sir" I said and turned away with my hands folded behind my chest. Nick sat down and looked at the plate in front of him, slight disgust traced his features. But ate the sloppy porridge never the less.

The next day

I watch the doctor sharpen the straight razor before applying lather to Nick's cheek with a brush. He rinses the razor and reaches for the King's face. "Your Majesty has spending to much time with Mr Shelby. I do not like the lust in your eyes when he is near. I worry you are spiraling downwards again. Inauspicious timing, I am afraid, as your wedding is nearing closer by the day". The doctor flicks the blade away and rinses it in a nearby bowl of water. "I am afraid we have forgotten our objectives" he continued, pulling Nick's hesd back firmly, "grown to lax in our routine. But no matter, we can right ourselves. I will have an icebath prepared immediatly and then straight to the chair". Nick glances up at me, studying me for a second. Before deciding "no". He leaned forward removing the razor away from his face and rises to his feet, while whiping his face. "No ice bath. No chair today". Nick tosses the rag onto the table and walks away. "Uh, your Majesty" the doctor began as the King walked away from him, "Boy! I command you to stay!". Nick halts and I can see his head twitch a bit, nearly considering the doctors command. Yet, never takes it and continues to leave the room. I glance at the doctor and give him an icy nod and follow the King out. I do note the anger that radiated from the doctor, and fear this interaction might cause further issue with Parliament. Especially now that the wedding is due to be held in just under a week. All over the country newspapers were hiping up the upcoming royal event:


As Britain get's ready for the biggest party of all.....


BRITAIN is preparing this weekend for a massive party to celebrate Wednesday's wedding of King Nicholas and Lady Catherina.

London will be the centre, of course, with it's pageantry, spectacle and crowds - but the joy will be reflecred all over the land. The pageantey will be reinforced by visiting royals and heads of state, revealed in the guest list announced by Buckingham Palace yesterday. Consider the enormous security problems involves in looking after such a gathering at St Paul's, apart from our Royal family and leading figures of church and state. Some attendees are:

America's: Mrs Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, wife of the president.

President: of France, Greece, Portugal and Iceland.

Rulling royals: King William III and Queen Emma of the Netherlands. Crown prince of Japan. Princess of Denmark. Crown prince and princess of Jordan. Prince Adam and Princess Mable of Liechtenstein.

Ex rulers: Micheal and Amne of Rumania. Simon and Margarita of Bulgaria. Constantine of Greece. Frans and Emilia of Belgium.

Governors - Generals: of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Barbados, Solomon Islands.

Vice President: of Nigeria, Kenya and the Seychelles


Published: 7th of July 2024

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