The Stateroom

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(Chester Campbell's P.O.V.)
I was discussing the issue of the stolen guns with Mister Churchill, in his office. When suddenly someone knocked on the door urgently. Chester invited them inside. Hurriedly a young female secretary walked inside before announcing "Prince Nicholas wants to see the both of you in the stateroom". Without a second thought Churchill stood up and began making his way out his office and towards the stateroom. Often these staterooms are very grand rooms which were designed for use when entertaining royalty. And Prince Nicholas was surely going to make use of this room. Upon arriving in the stateroom, I realized that the Prince of Wales had yet to make his presence known. But it didn't take long for someone to enter the room and do his assigned job of introducing the Prince. The man opened the door before loudly speaking "His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales" and stepped to the left so that Prince Nicholas could walk inside.

I noticed how he could convey his grandeur and stateliness so effortlessly

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I noticed how he could convey his grandeur and stateliness so effortlessly. Nicholas sure embodies the qualities of royalty, such as dignity, grace, and poise. Without even speaking a word, you could see that just merely his appearance commanded respect. I had yet to see anyone else who could be as appropriate for the part that Nicholas plays. The epitome of how a man of his stature should conduct himself. The servent closed the door once Nicholas had fully stepped inside the room. I watched as the Prince turned around and looked at the door, before turning back to speak to us. Clearly he did not want anyone interupting this very meeting. "Gentlemen" Nicholas's voice was majestic, booming through the stateroom as he addressed both me and Winston Churchill, "To muse and blabber about missing guns is one thing, but to leave a message about its robbery on a Telegraph, demostrates a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic, and I mean that in a caring way". I couldn't even catch myself and just blurted my next words out "Imbecilic, did you say? How dare-" I loudly said accusingly and stepped toward the Prince, "Major Campbell!" Mr Churchill's voice interputed my own. I turned to him and spotted his stern glare. Immediatly the anger I felt was gone and I could facepalm myself. I had spoken disrespectfully towards the heir to the throne. Although it seemed that Churchill felt the need to correct me more and Prince Nicholas seemed to not care much about it and just ignored my outburst fully. "Now, gentlemen, I want this issue dealt with quick and quiet. And I do not want my name anywhere near this, for reasons you can understand". Nicholas then turned towards Winston Churchill, giving him his full attention "and, Mr Churchill. Again, with the greatest possible respect. Make sure your men keep their fucking mouths shut" He growled and got in Churchill's personal bubble, before walking around the room aimlessly. "Your highness, I assure you-" Churchill protested but got cutt of by Prince Nicholas, "Let me make this as monosyllabic as possible. I don't much care for whomever you hire in your taskforce, aslong as they do their work properly. But these men" he continued and gave a spare into my direction "are a ludicrous bunch of chattering idiots". "Now, your-" Churchill began and I could hear him starting to become furiouss. Clearly Nicholas did too and now he was not going to be spoken to like that. "Do you like being Secretary of State?" He calmly questioned but yet threatening, "so if you want to remain Secretary of State, I highly advise you to drop that tone in your voice when you are speaking to me, Mr Churchill. Because you can be replaced as easily as a broken pencil" he sneered low and cold. Then suddenly the same servent came walking into the room quickly "your royal highness" he spoke and did a quick courtesy bow. Although not stepping out of Churchill's personal bubble, Nicholas did turn his head to awknowledge the servent. "Your presence is urgently requested at Buckingham Palace". The Prince simply nodded before turning around to face Winston Churchill and myself. "Now, I'd love to continue to chat with the two of you. Tea, cake, the whole shebang, but it seems that I have Royal duties to attend to and you've got to get-" Nicholas turned to look at me skeptically, before once again returning his gaze onto the Segretary of State "your men in line". The Prince stood upright and put his hands behind his back "Johnny" he began and turned to the servant, "please escort these two neophytes back to their assigned offices". The servant nods and turned his attention to us while The Prince of England just walked out the room. Quickly stopping at the door and bidding us a good day. Leaving me wondering why he got requested to leave for Buckingham Palace so urgently.

Published: 1st of December 2023

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