I love you

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(Nick's P.O.V.)
I turn around with two whiskey glasses and approach where Tommy was sitting. "I say you look well. Considering, well, you know" I softly joked. But by Tom's posture I could see he didn't find it funny. "Considering what?" He asked coldly, "considering I almost got hung because of you?". I was taken back for a moment by his statement. "Tommy, you have to understand-" I began but got cut off, "understand? That I'll understand what?" He sneered at me, rising to his feet. I sigh and went ahead to explain "I needed to work things out, alright, and I can't really explain it to you". Tom lifts his chin up "what are you so afraid off to tell me? Surely we've got past sparing each other". I let out a deep sigh before answering "I needed to find a way to change us. Because by continuing like this, I am risking everything that I have. The crown, my family, my name. All of that will be taken away from me if the public knows" I admitted. Tommy looked up at me to stare into my eyes. He had that specific look. Taut jaw, pursed lips and angry eyes. "You seriously risked my life for them?! For the fucking crown!" He screamed loudly in my face. I felt my anger rise in my veins and now I was about to lash out. "Not for them! I- I had to do this for you, for us!" I screamed loudly. "oh don't talk rubbish! You did this for you. Meanwhile I was going to hang for your secrets". I turned around and pulled my hands through my hair "Tom, I cannot do this right now. I've got resposibilities to attend to. I don't have time for this". "No, you don't have time for us" Tommy screamed back, "I can get the time for us, after I get my Kingdom in order". Tommy raised his hands in disbelief "unbelievable! What do you care more about, your kingdom or me?!". I shake my head and scoff loudly "you're being ridiculous". "That is not an answer!". Without hesitation, the next sentence left my lips as an open wound. Harsh and cold. "England can't wait! You can!". As soon as those words left my lips an instant regret came over me and I wanted to apologize but Tom wouldn't let me. "Please, it was a mistake, I see that now. Just let me-", "No, don't. It's over" he snapped at me and I can see that the anger had been replaced with regret and sadness. Tommy turned and walked away from me, I quickly follow after him and grab his arms, stopping him. I turn him around and slam him against the door frame and kiss him on the lips. "I love you. I do, in my very own way" I admit against his lips. My heart aches when he doesn't return it, nor does he return the kiss. Instead he shoves me away roughly. I stumble back and look at the ground ashamed. Tommy walks back and forth a couple steps, wiping his mouth with his hand, while he was in deep thought. My chest rises and falls quickly as I continued slowly "I-I used to think; what sort of a life would I have without you? That I would risk everything, and gladly, because the one thing I dread losing is you". I look up with hope to Tommy, so desperatly hoping he would forgive me or atleast give me another chance. Tommy turns to face me without emotion. Which makes it difficult to read his face. "Then why didn't you?" He questioned me. To that I had no true answer. "Look, I am thankfull that it was into your hands I fell. Most men would have reported me to the police. But, respectfully, I do not wish to see you ever again". I freeze to my spot as I hear the words leave his lips. "You- you?" I stutter not believing that he never wanted to see me again. "Goodbye Nicky" Tommy softly speaks and turns around to walk out the house. Again I follow him, wanting to undo the wrongs that I have said today. About how England comes above him. "Tommy! Please!" I beg him. The man that I love halts and turns abrubtly "Stop!" He ordered loudly and and in an instant I stand still. Obeying the Blinder immediatly. By the look on his face I can also see that he was suprised that he was able to stop me in my tracks. That he was able to give an order to a King and in return the King listened like a dog. We lock eyes for a moment and I feel my lips begin to quiver. His eyes, his oceanic blue eyes, the eyes I fell in love with, looked at me before deciding to advert their gaze. And thus the man who I loved slowly turned on his heels, put his cap and coat on. Before walking out of the house, without saying a word further. And there as I stood frozen to my spot with weak shaking legs, as the door closed behind Tommy. It was like all the memories, were left to burn and char. I feel the walls closing in on me. Slowly, slowly coming close. I feel my eyes burning. I control myself from letting it out, but the anger and sadness takes over. And finally I find myself crying out loud as I fall to my knees on the ground. I close my eyes and let my tears fall, but the pain still remains. So, I take a final step, to find a way to relieve myself of the unbearable pain. With a heavy heart I find the house phone and call a specific number. The person answers the phone and I get straight to the point, while trying not to choke on my words. "I'll marry Lady Catherina" I stated through a stutter, trying to get my composure back, but failling miserable. But I wasn't finished talking "and" I continued yet hesitate for a second. My heart screaming not to, but I ignore it "I accept the offer for the conversion therapy".

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I feel sick to my stomach as I walk across Nicholas's estate. The realisation had hit me fully. I lost every love that I had in life. Hopes dissapeares and dreams of a life with him faded away. Oh, what happened to my life. Did I never know my path? Didn't I choose the right one? Still, I haven't an anseer in mind. But, I know that my heart is broken now. How long am I able to bear this agony. And how can I survive? He's the reason I am dieing inside. He's the one who broke me. I begin to feel so sick that I had to stop. I lean my hand against a tree, before squatting down. Then the pain hits me like a brick wall. The betrayal stings and hits hard. My eyes become blurry from the tears, I want to scream the pain out, but am somehow unable to do. So, Instead, I silently cry to myself - by myself.

 So, Instead, I silently cry to myself - by myself

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Published: 8th of may 2024

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