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(Nick's P.O.V.)
Together with Reynolds and 2 Royal Guards, we walk into the auction hall. People stand on the balcony looking down to the arena where they showed the horses. As I walk up the stairs I see a familiar face on the other side of the room. Tommy was here together with his brothers and a teenager who was unfamiliar to me. Tommy and I locked eyes for a second but soon disengaged. I lean on the railing and look down to the horses. To my right Reynolds stands and behind me the 2 guards stand on-guard with guns in view. Keeping people who want to potentionally harm me at bay. The first horse was lead in by a stablehand. It was a bay gelding with a good walk on him. "Fortune's Charm. By the Sire: Charming Man and the Dam: Lady Fortune" the announcer called out. The stalliom goes for around 1000. We watched more horses pass by and then suddenly on the next one Tommy began betting. "Morals of Marcus, Sedgemere stud, by Tetrach out Lady Josephine" the announcer speaks. The bid started at 800 guineas. It was a gray mare who looked very sweet. I watched on as bids come rolling in. From Tommy and someone else aswell. Not to far to my left I saw May Carleton, who was well connected in the racing industry, tell the man beside her to begin to bid aswell. The two had a bit of an argument on why they wanted to bet or not. Eventually the man began to bid reluctantly. A grin formed on my face when I realized Tommy was annoyed that they kept on raising the bid. When they reached 1750 guineas, Charlie leaned to Tommy and whispered something in his ear. It was clear to me that he couldn't bid anymore. By the look on his face I could tell he wanted the horse. "Bid on the mare for me, Reynolds" I told my Kings-man and grabbed my watch to look at the time, wanting to know how long they have been betting for now. "Sir?" Reynolds questioned, "but I thought-". I just looked at him and Reynolds knew enough to begin bidding. I don't bother to give Tommy or his family any attention and just cast my eyes to the horse while Reynolds bid for me. He has done this for me before so he knows when to stop. The cue to keep going was my hands that where clasped together, if I wanted to stop I would simply unclasp them.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I watched Nick with curiousity. Why would he suddenly bid on the horse halfway? The price went up and he didn't even seem to flinch. Then I reminded myself that he was The King, so he has the money. The bid went up, 1800 - 1850 - 1950 - 2075. Then at 2100 bid that Reynolds had nobody continued further, not even the woman's partner who outbid me. The hammer slammed down 3 times before it was announced "sold for 2100 guineas to Mister?" The auctioneer began and looked up, "His Majesty The King" Reynolds speaks loudly and I see Nick push himself upright to stand tall. Before nodding at the auctioneer in a thanking manner. I watched him turn on his heel and walk away from the railing, the guards following close behind to protect him no matter what. I decide to follow him downstairs, my family also trailing behind me. I stop when I see him by the office talking to Reynolds. Arthur was confused as to why I didn't approach Nick. "He is the King, Arthur" I reminded him of Nicholas's title, "you do not approach the King on your own. He either comes to you or you are presented by the King's man, in this case, Reynolds" I continued. The two finish their conversation and Nicky locks eyes with me, his eyes flicker up and down before  turning with a grin to walk into the office. Meanwhile Reynolds walks towards us all. Like they do in the upper-class, Reynolds greets us with a proper voice and manners. Then casting his attention to me specifically. "His Majesty wants to speak to you, Mr Shelby. If you would follow me, please". I nod and push myself off from the wall and follow him, even passed the two guards that came with Nicholas. Reynolds stopped and told me to wait here untill Nick came to us. Meanwhile I watched as Nicky did his business with the head auctioneer. Eventually he finished and turned around to walk to me and Reynolds. Upon his arrival Reynolds introduced me to Nick, as if this our first meeting "Mr Thomas Shelby, your Majesty". Nicholas had taught me a view things about Royal Protocol. And this was one of them, whoever the person was, no matter if they already met the King or not, they would be presented to the King. If you have a title you get a title infront of it. I bowed my head and greeted my King "good afternoon, your Majesty". And of course after the introduction, Nick didn't get straight to the point. Only began with small talk, of course doing so very proper and politely. "I presume you had a long drive if you had to come up all the way from Birmingham?" He asked me and held friendly eye contact, yet I also saw that familiar lust briefly shine in his eyes. It was in a teasing manner. "It was a long drive indeed, Sir, but me and my family managed just fine" I answered back politely, "good to hear that, Mr Shelby". It's custom to greet the King as your Majesty first and after that formal greeting you can be less formal and continue with Sir. While keeping the conversation going, Nicky turned around wanting to walk with me, slightly away from the group. One of the guards followed, which was to be expected, but stayed a far enough distance that he couldn't hear the conversation. Immediatly the conversation went from how we began to conversation. Which was a typical one that would be between a Royal and a commoner, very polite, very welcoming, very gentleman-like. Than it switched to a form I was used to with Nick. A conversation between two friends and sometimes even a cheeky hint of flirtation. His tone of voice also became less posh. "A horse, huh" He began and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "what did you plan on doing with the horse?". "I wanted to race her" I simply told him and put my hands in the pocket of my trousers. Nicky hums in return and just strolls further, I do not pass him, knowing it was protocol that a King dictates the pace. We stop near the large wooden barn-like door that lead horses into the building from the outside. Nicky pulls his long coat back while he keeps on talking "it would help if you had a horse to race, would it not?". I smile but nod at him "yes it would make things easier". Nicky retrieved to what looked like the ownership documents and unfolded them. "Well then it's good thing, that I noted you as the co-owner of the mare". Nicky handed me the documents and I could indeed see he mentioned me as a co-owner. He leaned back against the wall and watched me with a smug smile plastered on his face. I read the document and indeed he had mentioned me as the co-owner. "I gift you a ring and you gift me a horse" I replied and shake my head with a disbelieved smile and lowered my hand so I could look at him. Nick places a foot against the wall and leans his head back before folding his arms "a horse you can have full ownership of, not free of charge of course". "What charge are you thinking of?" I ask him intrigued. "I have two acceptable offers for your payment. Either you pay me 2100 guineas or-" he continued and stops for a moments. Eventhough he stops for a second to glance over his shoulder, I know he isn't finished talking. So I patiently wait untill he leans forward towards me. Nicholas is so close to me that he runs his cheek along mine and I can breath in his scent. Immediatly it relaxes me. He wore a truly classic expensive fragrance. Bold and confident. Crisp floral and vibrant orange notes highlighting a succulent heart of honeyed rose gathered in a leathery bind of soft musk and sandalwood. Then with a low and smooth voice, that gave me slight goosebump, whispered into my ear "-or you let me fuck you so hard that I will make you-", "your Majesty" the loud voice of Reynolds interupted Nicky's exciting offer. As if he wasn't talking of sexual intention to me just moments ago, Nicky pulls away from me and turn to Reynolds. Who is on the otherside of the hallway, luckily to far away to either hear or properly see what was going on between the two of us. "There is a Ms May Carleton that wants to speak to you". "Tell her that I will be with her in a moment, Reynolds" Nicky tells him, to which the King's guard bows and turns away non-the-wiser. Nicholas turns back to face me and with a cheeky smile on his lips, whispers to me "come" before walking off. I knew better, he wasn't telling me exactly to come and follow him at that moment. Nick was actually finishing his previous line to me, before he was so rudely interupted.

Or you let me fuck you so hard that I will make you come.

Published: 25th of February 2024

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