Matter of urgency

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(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
I walked into the diningroom of my house to have my breakfast. "Shall, I wake your friends, Sir?" One of the maids questioned. I shook my head at her "no, let them sleep in. They deserved it". All three of the brothers had made sure to get me home safely yesterday evening. It had been late so I offered for them to stay the night. Now that I had slept off my hangover, I was back to my normal self. Thankfully for not only me, but for everyone around. I sat down in my usual spot at the long table. Then grabbed the morning newspaper that always gets neatly left on my left and began to read it. Wanting to know the recent news that happened in the country. Untill eventually I heard footfall approaching. I looked up from my newspaper and saw Reginald in the door opening and behind him my friends. "Sir, Mr Arthur, Thomas and John-". I rolled my eyes and continued to read "yes, Reginald, I know who they are. You do not need to introduce them". Normally it is custom in the royal homes that every new person that arrives in the room, gets their introduction. Normally they come with their titles but the Shelby's do not posses any. Besides of course their military titles, but due to the fact they only had done the work in the war and not after it. That title basically is useless now. But I do not care much for titles. I folded my newspaper as the brothers each took a seat at the table. I noticed they all looked suprised. It must be suprising because just 8 hours ago, I was in such a drunken state that I couldn't tell left from right. And now 8 hours later, I was at the table wearing one of my most expensive suits, hair neatly styled and seeming as if I had never even touched a drop of alchol. And the brothers did not like the fact. "What's the matter with you three?" I asked all of them and took a sip of my coffee. "How is it that just last night you couldn't stand upright and now not even 8 hours later you can sit there like you didn't even have a single drop of alchol" John asked loudly, I shrugged my shoulders "guess I'm just better than all of you". Tommy scoffed and said something in Romani, which I couldn't understand. "Speak english, Shelby" I ordered him, "sorry Sir. Lete translate that for you. Go fuck yourself". I held a stern glare at Tommy, but didnt say anything else. Around us John and Arthur fell silent as they gave each other a nervous look. You don't disrespect a higher ranked officer without any consequence. But luckily for them, I can take a joke. A smirk made its way onto my face "That's better" I said looking at Tommy. Who laughed in return. But our joy was soon interupted by Reginald walking in. "Sir?" He began trying to gain my attention. I sighed and turned my head to look at him "what?" I snapped not enjoying his interuption. "My apologies, Sir, but you have been requested for an emergency meeting at the parliment house". I sighed and rubbed my temple "alright". I stood up to my feet, Tommy John and Arthur following suit. But I motioned for them to sit back down "you can stay here aslong as you need to" I tell them before taking my leave. "I have an appointment in Commonwealth Cafe. So I will join you after all it's the same direction" Tommy said, "very well".

(Inspector Campbell's P.O.V.)
I was waiting in a restaurant for Thomas Shelby. He had accepted my invitation to have a chat. I saw him walk in with another person with blond hair. The man beside Thomas had a composed and self-assured manner and the Blinder listened carefully at him. Untill the two shook hands before the blond took his leave. Tommy turned and looked into the dining area. Eventually spotting me once he arrived and he walked towards me. "I chose this place because it was outside of both our jurisdictions" I began as I sat down, "Do you two want tea?". Tommy stayed silent as he took his seat. "Inspector I responded to your invitation because I want us to understand each other" Tommy said calmly, "I am a business person, who wants to make my business successful". "And I want my city run peacefully" I told him. "Peacefully, huh? You broke into people's homes. Breaking windows, throwing furniture outside and burning buildings down. There is nothing peaceful about that" he told me coldly. "That wasn't me, Mr. Shelby" I answered back, "yet you gave the order" he told him sharply. I realized I wasn't going to win this part of the argument so I decided to continue. "My men found this in the bedroom of a known communist. It has your sister's name on it" I said sliding a paper towards him. It was obvious she's been sleeping in his bed" I taunted. "You also sleep in bed with a communist?" I asked tilting his head. "I don't share the same fantasy as them. I've already dealt with the situation" Tommy responded. He said that he'll make sure Freddie won't return to the city. "I'll make him part of our deal" Tom offered, "what deal?" I asked crossing his arms, "you and your specials will leave my businesses alone from now on. No more raids into our territory, no more smashing up pubs, no more lifting my runners" I listened to Tommy telling his end of the deal and I was not really agreeing with everything he said, "you will turn a blind eye to all of my gambling operations". Tommy also told me to tell the Chief of Gloucestershire to leave him alone when he makes a move on Billy Kimber. "Forgive me, I don't seem to have a pen to write it down" I stated basically telling him I didn't like that part of the deal. Tommy dug in his inside pocket for a pen and put it down on the table. "Now what do I get in return?" I asked the gangster, "I have what you're looking for. I have the guns" Tommy told me. "What guns?". Tommy shook my head "I'm not here to play games" he said standing up and turning to leave. "Wait wait" I quickly said standing to my feet. Tom starts explaining about the guns and what he is planning to do with them. "If I sell them to the IRA it won't be long before Mr. Churchill finds out" Tommy told me, "I imagine you got into enough trouble over the burning of the king's pictures" Tommy said putting pressure on me, "so if those guns run Belfast. Your life in the force is over. Do we have a deal?" He asked. I took long to make up his mind. But eventually made up my mind. The IRA doesn't need more guns which could help kill another member of the royal house hold. I took a deep breath "very well. But I'd prefer if we don't shake hands on it". "I don't shake hands with men who take advantage of their power" he told me and stood up before walking out. I kept my eyes on the Blinder as he walked out.

Later that day

(Nicky's P.O.V.)
I had left Tommy at the Commonwealth cafe. After joking about how he would pay for the food there, considering how expensive it was. And was now making my way further to the Parliment. I walk into the office of Mr Winston Churchill. I was late for that meeting but I did not care all that much. I walked inside and saw Mr Churchill, three of the other members of his department, who had served in my platoon, and Major Inspector Campbell. Who I had yet to meet in persom. They had not yet noticed my pressence as they continued their conversation. But when Winston saw me he immediatly ignored the Inspector who was ranting on and on about a mission, and stood up to greet me.

(Inspector Campbell's P.O.V.)
I noticed Mr Churchill had stopped listening to me and had turned to a blond man walking inside with a confident stride.

He had this poised and elegant look about him

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He had this poised and elegant look about him. A look that basically said no one can tell him what to do. Even someone like Winston Churchill. At first I felt kind of pushed aside and disrespected. As soon as this new man stepped in and gained everyones attention. But when Campbell had greeted the younger man with a bow of courtesy and said "your royal highness", I basically face palmed myself. This was one of the Kings son. The Prince turned to the other men in the room. A smile appearing on his face when he saw them. These guys did not show the courtesy bow and I was confused at first untill one of the men greeted the Prince "good to see you again, Lieutenant Colonel". "Likewise, Jensen". I realized that the three must have served in his platoon during the war. I have heard many great stories from them about their leader. How he went out of his way to make sure all his men returned home after the end of the war. How he always was the first to stay up for patrol. How he waited for everyone to have gotten their food untill he got his. But I never knew that it was actually one of the Princes. He turned to me, blue eyes looked me up and down but I couldn't tell whether he liked me or not. Without saying anything to me he turned back to Winston Churchill. "Now what is it that you wanted to speak to me about that is so urgent" The Prince then questioned what was so importaint for him to hear. "It is regarding your father. He is dying. And I fear that chaos will arise in his absence" Churchill began, "England needs a King and I suspect your characteristics are precisely what she needs. You must become King-". Nicholas put up a hand, telling Churchill to stop talking, "why are you saying this to me? Speak to Edward" He asked, "everything regarding the king or the throne should be spoke with him. After all, is he not to be our new King?". There fell a silence around the room making Nicholas confused. "You haven't heard, Sir?" One of Nicholas's former soldiers questioned to which the Prince shook his head. No one dared to say anything. I could tell that Nicholas was beginning to grow annoyed because no one explained it. "Speak" he ordered directly looking at Winston Churchill. His voice was stern and harsh. One that holds such power that it gave me shivers over my spine. Churchill, who was normally such a powerfull person, was now in the position of being completely over powered by a younger person. Churchill took in a deep breath before telling the Prince. "Your brother has been assasintated by the IRA when he went to Ireland this morning". The Prince didn't say anything, he just stood still in the centre of the room while looking at the ground. Meanwhile I was shocked about hearing that our future King had been killed. Nicholas lifted his head and glared at me. Now realising that I had not left and had heard everything. I was not meant to hear this because my position wasn't as high as Churchill's for example and he did not like the fact that I heard it.
"Leave" he spoke coldly and glanced into my direction. I didn't move immediatly, which was a mistake "Leave Inspector before I have removed!" He growled stepping closer. When he stepped into my space, I noticed he looked familiar. Like I had seen him before. But how? Everyone knew that Prince Nicholas never set foot in public eye. So you wouldn't know it was him, the Prince of England, if you even passed him on the street. Then it clicked in my head. This was the person who had talked to Thomas Shelby when he arrived at the cafe. Thomas Shelby, knows the future King of England, like they are best fucking mates. Then came my question, "but does Tommy Shelby know who he is actually friends with?".

Published: 8th of october 2023

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