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(Nick's P.O.V.)
As if it had became a tradition, I once again stood by the window looking out onto the streets of London. My hands firmly placed behind me back. "Sir" Reynold said from behind me, "May I present to you, The Dowager Queen Alexandra". I turn around when Reynolds had announced my Grandmother. Also known as the Queen Mother of King George V. A smile appeared on my face when I saw her walk inside the room. My Grandmother stopped a few steps away from me and did a low bow to me. Something I will never get used to. My grandmother was Queen when I was born and I grew up always bending my knee to her. And now months later after my father his passing, resulting to me becoming King, she now bowed to me. The gravity of becoming King hadn't really hit me yet untill my own grandmother had to curtsy to me for the first time. "It is so wonderfull to see you again, Grandmother" I tell her and move away from the window, "words I do not hear often enough" she remarks with a smile. "So what captures the interest of a King so much that he is left standing by the window for countless of hours, hmm?" She asked and makes her way over to me, to look out the window aswell. Wanting to seek what I had found out myself. I turn and watch out onto the streets again. I just simply tell her, trying to joke "my imagination, I suppose". But my Grandmother knows me well enough to know better than to accept it as my imagination playong tricks on me. "You want to know what I see, my dear?" She questioned but doesn't give me an offer to answer or not, "I see anger burn inside your eyes". I sigh and turn away from the large window "What you see is my impatience with those noble men in the counsil" I sneered, but not directed towards her. I walked over to the table that was set for tea and sat down with a sigh, rubbing my head. "I am continuously being shown that this damn society is broken beyond repair". "Well, firstly I will tell you that I do not endorse your language" My grandmother began as she makes her way towards me, to accompany me by the table. I smile softly. She has never cursed a word in her life, always sweet and honest words. "But don't worry. Your time of being a great King will soon be seen" she promised me. I looked up at her in uncertainty. "Will I?" I question, a shred of doubt clouding my better judgement, "or will I forever just be the priced stallion trotted in front of the entire world to be shown of in front of gawking politicians". Grandmother Alexandra scoffs, not believing a word I had said about myself before speaking out.

 Grandmother Alexandra scoffs, not believing a word I had said about myself before speaking out

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"And you are above that class. Above all, in fact. You are not mearily in society. You run society". She lift her chin up high and proud "broken or not you wear the crown. You. Now get your house in order before someone else does it". I smiled "what would I do without your wise words?". "Be a hopeless fool, I suppose" My grandmother states jokingly. Even Reynolds's lip twitched in a smirk as he pours tea for the two of us. The both of us take a sip of tea, before Grandmother nods to my hand. "Let me see that" she tells me and motions for me to give my hand to her. Her old weathered hands look over my own, twirling the ring that was around my non-dominant ringfinger with curiousity. The ring was a signet ring. Well, to be more specific it was actually Tommy's ring. Which he had given to me. Her eyebrow quirks upward wanting to know more about the ring. "It was the ring of a former soldier of mine" I told her, not completely lying. She nodds "ah, so, its a rememberance for those who where in your platoon. How honourable". I don't have the heart to correct her, so just agree on it. We soon finish up our brunch and bid our goodbyes. As I watch her leave my premises, Reynolds leans forward to whisper in my ear, like an annoying, teasing younger brother "remembrance for those in your platoon" he said sarcastically. He knows full well whose ring it was. I turn to face him "will you be quiet" I told him with a laugh and walk back inside, "is that something you told Mr Shelby aswell, Sir?". "If you weren't such a good King's man to me, Reynolds, I would have you hung" I tell him and continue to walk inside, "you wouldn't last a day without me, Sir" Reynolds told me, "isn't that the truth" I responded. Enjoying the brother-like banter with him. Which I never could expierence with my own brother Edward. Just two many differences between us two. "Let's go to the horse auction. It's been such a long time" I eventually told him afterwards, "I'll prepare the car" my Kings man said and bowed before leaving to fetch another member of the royal house hold. I look down at my hand and move the ring around with my finger. A smile twitching against my lips at the memory of how I got it. Before I decide to make my way towards the car.

Published: 15th of February 2024

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